Apply for the COK Sodality scholarships and grants offered to university and High School students who are current members of the COK Sodality Credit Union.
“COK Sodality Cooperative Credit Union Ltd (COK) forms a part of a network of individuals who wish to make a difference in our country. It’s easy…Something as simple as making other people smile, or spreading kindness starts a chain reaction that ultimately benefits all of us.”
COK Sodality devotes much of their attention to supporting worthy causes. Each year, their members approve a special “Outreach” budget from which grants are disbursed. their focus areas are education, HIV/AIDS and entrepreneurship.
The COK Sodality staff culture is one of giving. they help the under privileged tap into millions of dollars and we distribute these monies annually in Jamaica. Equally, through the COK Sodality networking they are able to raise awareness and participation by hooking into Social Media and engaging members in participating in their outreach projects.
Annually, the COK Sodality staff members raise funds for selected organizations such as the Margaret Rodgers Foundation, which sees to the education of several orphaned children at the primary school level.
COK awards scholarships annually to 2 university students and 15 high school students.
COK awards scholarships annually to two university students and 15 high school students. COK Sodality adopted two schools – St. Peter Claver Primary in Kingston and Hamilton Gardens Basic in St. Catherine and continues to donate resources to these schools.
In 2004, COK Sodality established a HIV/AIDS fund and between 2004 and 2008 COK donated $2,000,000 to eight charities working on the frontline in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
By virtue of a wider and more flexible bond and programs, COK Sodality assists micro businesses and entrepreneurs. Members, who are Entrepreneurs, are encouraged to borrow, as the COK loan rates are highly competitive and payments terms are very reasonable.
How to Donate to the Scholarship Fund
Improving your community is a worthy cause and the credit union make donating super easy. The fund remains open and they invite donations via contributions to account number: 4379489
COK Sodality Scholarships
As part of the COK Soldality Co-operative Credit Union’s corporate social responsibly in their drive to help build the communities that they serve. COK Sodality offers a number of scholarship and bursary opportunities that are available to ONLY members of the credit union and their children.
Below are a list of scholarship and bursary application forms for this purpose:
COK Sodality History
With a vision ahead of its time, Albert Morris had proposed the concept to create an inclusive credit union for the citizens of Kingston. A credit union is a co-operative financial institution, which is owned and controlled by its members.
His dream was finally brought to fruition in 1967, when Paul Chavannes submitted Mr. Morris’ proposal to the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League (JCCUL) and the Registrar of Co-operative; which resulted in the birth of the City of Kingston Co-operative Credit Union Limited (COK) on October 26, 1967. With 13 members and a total share of two shillings and six pence the first Annual General Meeting was held on November 24, 1967.
Since its inception COK has grown from a union with only 13 members to enjoying the benefits of being the largest membership in not just Jamaica but in the English-speaking Caribbean on a whole.
COK not only caters to its customers located across Jamaica such as St. Andrew, Kingston, Montego Bay and St. Catherine; but also, to its customers living overseas in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Grand Cayman. With over 50 years serving its clients, COK plans to continue helping and others and expanding to further lengths over time.
COK continues to honor its founding members who contributed to making a vision becoming a reality.