The COVID-19 Compassionate Grant application system is now closed. Applications for compassionate grants under the CARE Programme closed April 16, 2020 at 5:01pm.
As at 2:00 pm, Thursday April 16th, the CARE Programme received 388,775 applications for the compassionate grant, the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service announced.
The COVID-19/CARE Programme Compassionate Grant was available to anyone in need (e.g. tertiary students, unemployed, informally employed, elderly, pensioners etc.) who had completed the required online (www.wecare.gov.jm) application form, is not formally employed, has not received, and does not intend to apply to any other cash benefit under the CARE Programme, with exception of the COVID-19 PATH Grant.
388,775 Applications for the WECARE Compassionate Grant
Ministry of Finance and the Public Service
An application that is accepted by the WeCARE online platform and that generates a reference number, indicates that the taxpayer registration number (TRN) associated with the application is valid and it is consistent with the date of birth and name on the TRN database at Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ).
Prior to payment of the compassionate grant, the following verifications are required: (i) the bank account submitted needs to be confirmed as a valid bank account in the name of the applicant, (ii) the applicant is not formally employed as verified by TAJ, and(iii) the applicant has not applied for another benefit under the CARE Programme.
The CARE team must now begin the process of validating the applications for compassionate grants, in order to be able to make payments within 30 days. The application window for other grants under the COVID-19 CARE Programme remains open.
“We are heartened by the overwhelming response to the CARE Programme thus far and to the compassionate grant in particular, and will now be processing applications for payment,” the Ministry said.
The CARE Programme is the Government of Jamaica’s fiscal intervention programme designed to cushion the adverse economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on resident Jamaican individuals and small businesses.
What is the Compassionate Grant Programme?
Qualified applicants of this CARE Grant Programme were able to apply online from April 9, 220 to April 16, 2020. In addition to other necessary data, individuals were required to provide their name, TRN, address, and other relevant information.
Applicants who successfully applied and were qualified to received a Compassionate Grant through the Government’s CARE Programme are ineligible to receive any other benefit through the CARE Programme, with the exception of the COVID-19 PATH Grant.
J$10,000 Grant, Paid to Your Bank Account
To be eligible for the COVID-19 Grant (when it was available), an individual should possess a valid TRN, not be in Formal employment and not be (or intend to be) a recipient of any other benefit under the CARE Programme, with the exception of the COVID-19 PATH Grant.
All the successfully COVID-19 Compassionate Grant applicants will received a one-time Grant of J$10,000 paid to their bank account or paid to a remittance company of their choice for their collection.