The Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission (JTEC), in collaboration with the Youth Innovation Centres (YICs), will host a Scholarship and Financial Aid Webinar on Thursday, March 25, starting at 1:00 p.m.
The event is a part of JTEC’s GoHiGHER! Webinar series, which, along with the Commission’s GoHiGHER! initiative, was developed to support the matriculation of students into higher education and successful careers thereafter.
Public Relations Officer at JTEC, Matthew Ferguson, told JIS News that the upcoming webinar is a joint undertaking between JTEC and the Youth Division of the Ministry of Education Youth and Information.
The Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission webinar aims to increase student awareness about the scholarship and financial support opportunities, which are administered by the Ministry and other partners in the public and private sectors, to assist them in their pursuit of higher education locally.
“Finding the financial resources for higher education is still one of the most significant challenges that students face. Hosting this JTEC scholarship and financial webinar is very fitting in light of what is happening with many students being unable to participate in the work and travel programme due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Funds earned are used to supplement tuition fees,” Mr. Ferguson pointed out.
He added that “this, therefore, means, a substantial number of students will need to access student loans, scholarships or grants, so that they are not disadvantaged in their pursuit of higher education”.
The Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission (JTEC) webinar will also be used to explain the new loan application process instituted by the Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB).The digital event will show students where to look for scholarships and guide them through the application process.
“We will be demystifying a few things around financing higher education as we get students ready for the demand of higher education and the job market,” Mr. Ferguson said.
The panelists for the webinar will comprise representatives from: the Ministry’s Tertiary Unit, JTEC, SLB, Link Your Purpose, GraceKennedy Foundation, and the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission.
The event will be moderated by Youth Empowerment Officer in the Education Ministry, Ruth Lawrence.
Interested persons may register for the webinar by clicking the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jtec-2021-scholarship-webinar-tickets-146618173905.
The 90-minute-long event will be streamed via Zoom and JTEC’s YouTube page.
Source: “Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission To Host Scholarship Webinar” in the Jamaica Information Service