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A Successful Scholarship Incubator Programme (SOCSIP)

SKOLASTIK OASIS CARIBBEAN (SOC) hosted its very first 3-day Scholarship intensive, titled: Scholarship Incubator Programme (SOCSIP), at the Hub Co-Working Limited at 34 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 10, on July 26, 27 and 28, 2018.

This particular SOCSIP aimed to break down the often tedious Scholarship Application Process into ‘bite sizes’ enabling students to nail that tertiary scholarship! The SOCSIP focused on tertiary scholarships tenable in Australia, UK, Japan, USA, Cuba, Mexico and Jamaica (which don’t require SAT or GRE scores), for both undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in the Natural sciences, Social Sciences and the Humanities.

This particular SOCSIP targeted working professionals and students, between the ages of 18 and 40 years, with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 and above. Persons with voluntary or community service experience, who are well-rounded, were strongly encouraged to participate in this SOCSIP as well. The first cohort of participants comprised five (5) ambitious young persons who worked on their scholarship applications and reviewed requirements, over 2 evenings and a full day.

These participants represented a mix of new students desirous of entering university, as well as current university students enrolled in full time courses. Their interests span the fields of Medicine, Integrated Water Management, Actuarial Sciences, Bio-Medical Engineering and Law.

SOC has hosted over 40 half day tertiary scholarship seminars, but the CEO, Tracy-Ann Hyman has desired for almost 3 years now, to host a Scholarship intensive, similar to the concept of a Boot Camp. She believes that some things are best accomplished in a group setting, working in teams to achieve educational goals. As such, participants were exposed to a dynamic suite of experts, who disseminated tips on crafting successful scholarship applications.

Some of the topics covered during the SOCSIP were: the nuances of the Scholarship Application Process, Crafting Motivational Letters and CV’s, Vision Boarding, Successful Scholarship Interviewing Techniques, and culminated with Scholarship Mock Interviews for SOCSIP Participants. Participants also received scholarship resources to assist them, even after the SOCSIP. This is just the beginning for the SOCSIP, expect more in the near future, not only in Jamaica, but across the Caribbean!

For more information on tapping into Global Scholarships, contact SOC:




Twitter: @skolastikJA

LinkedIn: Tracy-Ann Hyman


 Company Background

SKOLASTIK OASIS CARIBBEAN was established in 2016 and is the brainchild of budding entrepreneur, Tracy-Ann Hyman. SOC was borne out of a hobby that involved finding scholarships to further personal educational pursuits and explore training opportunities abroad. It then moved to searching for opportunities for family and friends and has now extended to Caribbean nationals.

Company Vision

To become a regional leader in educational services by 2020, through the identification, sourcing and generation of resources for the development and empowerment of Caribbean peoples.

Company Mission

To equip Caribbean nationals with information and provide application support through scholarship matching services; whether it be undergraduate/postgraduate studies, summer school, research exchanges, fellowships, workshops, conferences, competitions and seed funds for businesses.


SKOLASTIK OASIS CARIBBEAN identifies sources of funds, such as SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS and GRANTS and makes this information available to Caribbean nationals. To date SOC has tapped into just over JA$17 MILLION in scholarships, fellowships and grants and aims to increase this figure to JA$21 Million by December 2018

Their services include:

Article Name
A Successful Scholarship Incubator Programme (SOCSIP)
SKOLASTIK OASIS CARIBBEAN (SOC) hosted its very first 3-day Scholarship intensive, titled: Scholarship Incubator Programme (SOCSIP), at the Hub Co-Working Limited. According to participants of the SOCSIP, it was a raving Success.
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