Green Help! UWI Medical student seeks assistance to pursue studies

GORDON PEN, St Catherine:
Second-year medical student Venessa Green, who is now pursuing a bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery degree at the University of the West Indies, Mona (UWI) is all set on making a difference in the lives of others.
Medicine was the last thing on her agenda as while attending St Jago High School, her primary focus was on business before she morphed into medicine. Green told Rural Xpress that ‘medicine chose her’.
“I had a passion for chemistry especially and I wanted to pursue a degree in pharmaceuticals. With relevant guidance and advice from mentors, I decided to apply to medical school which I was assured a space from the dean’s office at UWI because I had the grades that would guarantee me a spot,” she said, admitting that she has since fallen in love with the programme.
With her ultimate goal being to offer quality health care services to her community of Gordon Pen, St Catherine, where she hails from and by extension her country, she dreams of owning a medical complex along with a pharmacy one day.
But there is wide divide between her dreams and the journey to get there as presently Green, in spite of the input from both her parents – her mother an office attendant at Jamaica Customs Agency and her father – a police personnel and six other children (between them) to support, it is a challenge meeting her needs at university.
Green is in need of textbooks and financial assistance to offset fees for accommodation, especially for her upcoming third year in June as she will have to reside on hall during the summer period.
“Then there is the cost of medical supplies such as prescribed texts and medical equipment (ophthalmoscope, stethoscope etc) and living expenses (groceries, personal hygiene products),” she said.
Right now it seems like a huge mountain, but Green has not lost her determination to go on.
“Amid my challenges, my innate drive for success comes from my intrinsic motivation to always excel in all my endeavours as well as to overcome every obstacle that presents itself,” she said.
Not fazed by her socio-economic status, one she is confident is temporary.
“I grew up in a single parent household where my mother was a domestic helper and a seamstress and I saw how she struggled to provide for my sisters and I,” said Green, adding that her mother’s determination for seeking any available job in order to make ends meet, was one of the contributing factors that motivated her to excel in all aspects of life, especially academically.
“Because even though I learnt humility and to be satisfied with what I had, I did not appreciate the fact that my siblings and I had to be deprived of certain things that would enhance our childhood because of poverty,” she said.
Green is giving thanks for some assistance she got from the Peace and Love Academic Scholarship which assisted in offsetting some of her tuition cost, but is now reaching out as the other expenses are overwhelming.
Green started off on a rocky path during her first semester because it took her some time to adjust to the new environment, and had taken a year off from school due to financial constraints.
“I had a fear that my intellectual capabilities were somewhat suppressed because I was out of the educational system for what seemed to be forever in my opinion. I managed to pass all five courses that semester (A, B+, 2 B’s and a disappointing C+) despite my challenges,” she said, pointing out that by the second semester, she was contented with being ‘average’ but nevertheless got impressive grades.
“It has always been my dream to overcome the obstacle of poverty and rise above the odds to become the first member of my family to acquire tertiary level education. It was instilled in me that good education is the key to accessing upward social mobility and for that I have an acquired passion for learning,” said Green, who admits she is viewed as ‘the bright spark’ of the family, a title that came from her earning distinctions in all her CSEC and CAPE subjects that she sat in high school.
Green who was actively involved in sport, clubs, societies and community service, said she learnt the art of teamwork, discipline determination as a senior member of the St Jago High School netball team.
To help Green, please contact rural@gleanerjm.com.
The story was first reported by the Jamaica Gleaner.