Learn about the main Jamaican scholarship myth – it’s that its too late to apply or win a Jamaican scholarship. This is just untrue, a myth!
Jamaican Scholarship Myth!
There are so many different types of Jamaican scholarships available these days and, naturally, almost as many Jamaican scholarship myth.
It’s too late to apply for scholarships! This is the number one Jamaican scholarship myth of students and their parents from primary school to college graduates. There are so many times we receive emails, telephone calls or messages via our social media pages asking if it’s too late to apply for a specific Jamaican scholarship. The answer is NO!
This may seem strange but as you read this article, you will realize the reason behind this Jamaican scholarship myth busting. As we will explain in the following paragraph through examples, if you miss the current deadline and its an annual scholarship, such as those offered by the UWI or UTech, you can start prepare to reapply within the next eight to ten (8-10) months for the said scholarship or grant.
Why is it never too late to apply for a Jamaican scholarship?
It’s never too late to apply for a scholarship or for winning scholarships in Jamaica because if the scholarships are closed now, just wait, you have a chance to apply for the next annual offer – you here it first from us, this is just a Jamaican scholarship myth!
Unless you are literally about to graduate from college or university. Yes, that’s right. It isn’t too late until the fat lady sings. You can apply for scholarships or even cash awards which are instantly valuable as early as primary school and as late as your senior year in college/university.
My Scholarship Confession
Here is a confession: I didn’t even start applying for scholarships until my senior year in high school. Let’s be clear though, I don’t recommend this strategy because it adds unreasonable stress which you can avoid by starting your scholarship application process early, but I say this to show you that it is completely possible to pull off. Every year on campus in university located in the Papine area of Kingston, I won more and more Jamaican scholarship money because I didn’t just stop applying in high school like most people do.
I kept applying and, as I kept applying, I got much better at it. I would complete successful applications in no time because I could reuse some of my best essays and I had a fresh start to build my resume when I got to university and after when I was job hunting.
Finally, lets get this clear and repeat after me: Unless I am about to graduate from university, it is never too late to apply for a Jamaican scholarship. Again, this is a Jamaican scholarship myth.