edna manley college

Edna Manley College of Visual and Performing Arts (EMCVPA) is Jamaica’s first and only dedicated college of visual and performing arts. The Edna Manley College  course offering ranges from Certificate to Master degree programmes. These EMCVPA courses are geared toward essential professional preparation to students in the Arts from the Caribbean, North America and Europe. The School of Continuing Education and Allied Programmes also has part-time leisure courses and a thriving summer school.

[READ: CHASE Fund Arts and Culture Policy of Scholarships.]

The Edna Manley College Scholarships are available for new and registered students who are Jamaican Nationals and who have successfully being accepted. Additionally scholarships are available to students who have successfully completed at least one year of study at the College.

All applications for Edna Manley scholarships must be submitted by March-April of each year for award in August. The criteria for selection and award are available at the Student Services Office of Registry. The EMCVPA Scholarship Committee, headed by the Assistant Registrar or her nominee, is responsible for viewing all applications and making selections based on criteria set out by the donor agencies.

Apply for an EMCVPA scholarship today and win!

Other Edna Manley College Scholarships

The CHAOS Memorial Grant
The Capital & Credit Merchant Bank Scholarship (in honour of Ms. Joyce Campbell)
The Louise Bennett Coverly Memorial Scholarship

School of Drama
The Earl Warner Scholarship
The Roy Hall Memorial Scholarship
The Jambiz Bursary Scholarship
The UNESCO Scholarship

EMCVPA School of Music
The Texaco (Jamaica) Scholarship
The Jamaica National Chorale
The Clement ‘Sir Coxsone’ Dodd Scholarship

School of Dance
The Clive Thompson Scholarship
The N.D.T.C Scholarship
The Alumni and Friends of Dance

The School of Visual Arts
The Dr. Brian Morgan Scholarship

The Cecil Boswell Facey Foundation
The O’hara Chapter of Ikebana Scholarship
The National Outdoor Advertising
The Delves Molesworth Scholarship

The EMCVPA tuition funding is also available through the following organizations as provided by the student admissions office at the EMC.

  • The Student Loan Bureau (SLB) offers financing to students ensuring that qualified, needy Jamaican students have equal access to financial assistance to pursue tertiary education.
  • The National Youth Service through its JAMVAT programme provides the opportunity for students to participate in the development of the nation’s social capital through their contribution of 200 hours of public service. In response, the government undertakes 30% of the student’s tuition cost.

Edna Manley College (EMCVPA) Campus Student Employment

In their second year of enrollment, students are eligible to apply for various part-time employment positions in the EMCVPA Student Employment Programme. Students can apply for positions in the CAG[e] Gallery, Multimedia, IT, Library, Office Services, Student Services, Marketing and Art Therapy Departments. Placement in these areas is based on availability of spaces and the student’s area of study.


The Jamaica Values and Attitudes Project for Tertiary Students (JAMVAT) is an effort to assist students, who qualify for  admission, but are unable to finance their tertiary education. The programme provides the opportunity for students to participate in the development of the nation’s social capital through their contribution of 200 hours of public service. In response, the government undertakes 30% of the student’s tuition cost.

See the National Youth Service website at http://www.nysjamaica.org/ for information on eligibility and how to apply for EMCVPA scholarships.

Edna Manley College Scholarships
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Edna Manley College Scholarships
Apply for the most lucrative scholarships and grants for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Edna Manley College of the Performing and Visual Arts
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