Graduate Scholarships
Graduate scholarships in Jamaica are less common than undergraduate scholarships, scholarships for graduate students are available.
Graduate students rely heavily on fellowships or assistantships – especially in high-need areas like nursing or teaching – but these aren’t available to everyone and don’t always cover a graduate student’s living expenses. Thankfully, a number of scholarship providers are willing to help graduate students finish the last leg of their educational journeys by providing a bit of extra funding through their graduate scholarship programmes.
Consider all of the options you already would when you were funding your undergraduate education (essay scholarships, merit-based awards, student and career-specific scholarships, etc.) but expand your search to organizations and graduate scholarship sponsorship opportunities. Already lodged in a profession? Find out what incentives your employer offers for employees pursuing an advanced degree: Many employers offer some form of tuition reimbursement⇒ and while you’ll probably need to remain at that company for some time once you’ve complete your graduate degree, it could be a good deal if you were planning to do so anyway.
Scholarships Awarded in Master of Science Economics Degree Programme
Two students in the Department of Economics at the UWI Mona Campus have been awarded graduate scholarships based on their first year, full time status in the Master of Science Economics Degree Programme. They are Luke Lyeow, who was named recipient of the G. Arthur Brown Memorial Scholarship and Latoya Richards, recipient of the Thomas De La Rue Graduate Scholarship.
The scholarships, which are for two years each, took effect in September 2005 and carry emoluments of Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. The scholarships are sponsored by the Bank of Jamaica and the De La Rue Group PLC, which is the British company, which prints Jamaican Banknotes.
The De La Group Sponsorship is in recognition of forty years of cooperation with the Bank of Jamaica and reflects the importance the company places on education as a key motor for the development of the region. The BOJ’s funding of the G. Arthur Brown Scholarship is in honour of the memory of the former Governor of the Bank.
CCRIF-UWI Scholarship
The CCRIF Postgraduate Scholarships will offer three scholarships per year to students entering any of the following four postgraduate programmes of study:
- Faculty of Science and Technology at Mona for a Masters degree in Natural Resource Management (Option – Disaster Management
- Faculty of Science and Technology at Cave Hill for a Masters degree in Natural Resource and Environmental Management (Option – Climate Change)
- Faculty of Engineering at St. Augustine for a Masters degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Faculty of Social Sciences at Cave Hill for a Masters degree in Building and Construction Management
To apply for one of these scholarships, please contact the Office of Post-graduate Studies at the Mona campus.
UWI Graduate Scholarships
Approximately 18 UWI graduate scholarships are available to graduates of UWI for students pursing full-time research degrees at the Mona Campus. The value of the award is J$700,000.00. per annum.
- EKACDM Disaster Risk Management Scholarships
- Universal Service Fund ICT Scholarship
- Graduate Scholarship. | Apply now
- Department of Geography and Geology Scholarships
- Sol Scholarships
Other Local and International Graduate Scholarships
A small number of other graduate scholarships are available. Applicants are invited by means of advertisements. Details are usually provided during the period January to October of every year.
- University of Bridgeport Graduate Scholarship
- Commonwealth Scholarships | How to apply for a Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship
- University of Birmingham and Jamaica National Foundation Legacy Scholarship
- University of Helsinki Master’s Scholarships for non-EU/EEA Students
- The University of Bonn in Germany Master’s/PhD Scholarships (5 annually)
- Czech Republic Graduate Scholarships For International Students
- Syracuse University College of Law 2017 OAS Law Scholarship Opportunity
- The 2017 OAS Partnership Program for Education and Training 2017 Graduate Scholarships
Research Grants and Graduate Scholarship Awards
The UWI Campus Committee provides research grants and graduate scholarships awards to departments and faculties and students as follows:
- research projects
- conference participation/research visits
- thesis preparation
- publication
Application forms are available on line at Forms should be submitted online by prescribes deadline, to Assistant Registrar (Graduate Studies & Research)
Procedure for UWI Grant Applications
Applications on the prescribed forms are to be submitted to the Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research, Mona, for consideration by the Campus Committee on Research & Publications and Graduate Awards:
- Applications for grants are invited by means of advertisements placed in the University’s News Notes, Pipeline, Radio Mona and on University Notice Boards.
- Deadline Dates for Application – Three weeks before each meeting
Departmental awards are offered by various departments for pursuing research in specific areas. Part-time employment may also be available and enquiries should be made to the Head of the Department and/or Dean Faculty in which the student is pursuing a higher degree.
Graduate students may be employed within the University for up to eight (8) hours a week without losing their full-time student status.