The Latest Secondary School Scholarships in Jamaica
Secondary school scholarships are the same as high school students’ scholarships, its just the use of different terms. Unfortunately, secondary school scholarships for 7th to 9th grade are not as common as scholarships senior year and for undergraduate students in Jamaica, unlike other developed countries.
This may be a result of the so called “free education up to the secondary level”, although it is now replaced by high priced auxiliary fees.
Secondary school scholarships for high school students are probably the most common category of scholarships by grade level. High school students are planning on starting college for the first time and likely don’t have other sources of funding lined up. Secondary school scholarships for high school students, therefore, are creating an investment in a student right at the beginning of his or her academic career and are providing funding that is likely desperately sought.
Edna Green Endowment Secondary School Scholarships
Value: US$50
Age: 17 years and under
Year of study: Secondary school students
Number of awards: 10 (Annual)
Eligibility: Open to Jamaican Nationals attending secondary school and any other pre-university institution. Be a newsletter registered member of ScholarshipJamaica.com, fan on Facebook and who have successfully completed the application form, essay and submit on-time via email to [email protected]. Maintain high grades with proven financial need.
Jamaica Adult Suffrage Open Scholarship
Value: Not specified
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: Secondary school students
Number of awards: 1 (Annual)
Eligibility: Be sitting the Cambridge ‘A’ Level examinations in at least three subjects and General Paper in June, have been born in Jamaica, or if not their parents should be domiciled in Jamaica either at the time of the applicants’ birth or during the entire period of five years immediately preceding the year of the examination. This scholarship is administered by the Ministry of Education.
Jamaica Independence Open Scholarship
Value: Not specified
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: Secondary school students
Number of awards: 1 (Annual)
Eligibility: Be sitting the Cambridge ‘A’ Level examinations in at least three subjects and General Paper in June, have been born in Jamaica, or if not their parents should be domiciled in Jamaica either at the time of the applicants’ birth or during the entire period of five years immediately preceding the year of the examination. This scholarship is administered by the Ministry of Education.
Jamaica Secondary School Scholarships
Value: Varies
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: Secondary school students
Number of awards: 1 (Annual)
Eligibility: Be sitting the Cambridge ‘A’ Level exams in at least 3 subjects and general paper in June. This scholarship is administered by the Ministry of Education.
UWI Mona and Community Co-op Cultd
Value: Varies
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: Secondary school students
Number of awards: 5 (Annual)
Eligibility: Applicants or their parents/guardians must be a member of the Credit Union and was successful in the GSAT Examination. Collect an application from any branch, complete and submit for selection. Please contact the credit union for further details here.
Scotiabank Foundation Secondary School Scholarship Awards
Value: J$125,000
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 10 (Annual)
Eligibility: Needy students of inner city Schools Islandwide based on their GSAT results. The value of the scholarship will be paid annually at the beginning of each school year up to Fifth Form. The Ministry of Education and the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation select the students for these special awards. Apply at the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation or Call Scotiabank foundation, Jamaica.
Scotiabank County Secondary School Scholarships
Value: US$2,000
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 3 (Annual)
Eligibility: Primary and All Age school students with the highest overall average in all subjects tested in the GSAT from Cornwall, Middlesex and Surrey. Recipients of these Secondary School Scholarships for Excellence do not qualify. Three (3) full scholarships, through to Fifth Form covering tuition, books, uniforms and a cash grant Valued at US$2,000. Apply at the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation or Call Scotiabank Jamaica.
Scotiabank Foundation GSAT: Scholarship for Excellence
Value: US$2,500
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 2 (Annual)
Eligibility: Male and Female student with the best overall average in all subjects tested in the GSAT. Two full scholarships, through to Sixth Form covering tuition, books, uniforms and cash grant Valued at US$2,500. Apply at the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation or Call Scotiabank Jamaica.
JNBS GSAT Secondary School Scholarships
Value: Varies
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: High School Diploma
Number of awards: 14 (Annual)
Eligibility: Applicants must be a member of the JN Schools Savings programme. Maintain high grades and show proven financial need. Apply for the JNBS GSAT secondary school scholarship or Call JNBS.
Children of JN Employee Scholarship
Value: Varies
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 10 (Annual)
Eligibility: Applicant must not be a recipient of any other scholarships; JN Employees’ Top performing children; School Reports: Parents are required to provide annual school reports to indicate that scholarship recipients maintain a mini-mum grade average of 70%. Failure to maintain the grade will result in the suspension of the Secondary School Scholarships for the next academic year. The scholarship, however, will be reinstated the following year if academic performance improves. Apply through your parish JN branch. Apply for the JNBS GSAT secondary school scholarship⇒ or Call JNBS.
JNBS County Secondary School Scholarships
Value: Varies
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 3 (Annual)
Eligibility: Applicant must not be a recipient of any other scholarships; Top performers in each county; School Reports: Parents are required to provide annual school reports to indicate that scholarship recipients maintain a minimum grade average of 70%. Failure to maintain the grade will result in the suspension of the scholarship for the next academic year. The scholarship, however, will be reinstated the following year if academic performance improves. Apply through your parish JN branch or through JNBS GSAT secondary school scholarship⇒.
Courts Jamaica Customer GSAT Scholarship
Age: Not over 19 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 29 (Annual)
Eligibility: Applicants must be Courts Customers or children/ward of a Courts Customer and have shopped at any Courts store within the last five (5) years. Student must attain an overall average of 85% in their GSAT. Contact the Courts Jamaica Public Relations and Promotions officer. Apply for your secondary school scholarships from Courts Jamaica Limited.
Joyce Ford-Newell (NMJI) Scholarships
Age: Not over 18 years
Year of study: GSAT
Number of awards: 5 (Annual)
Eligibility: Next Move Jamaica International, Inc., the not-for-profit arm of ScholarshipJamaica.com is please to invite applications for their latest scholarship offers. Applicants must be a Jamaica National residing in the parish of St. Thomas for at least the past five (5) years. Successful applicants will be ask to complete a 350-500 words essay and follow our social media pages. Students of Seaforth Hugh School will receive preferential consideration.
We will be update the Secondary School Scholarships list weekly. Please check back next week more more awesome scholarship opportunities.