financial aid

Financial Aid – Financial Aid office.

Financial Aid Opportunities

Financial aid  opportunities by ScholarshipJamaica, provides financial advice on assistance to Jamaican and Caribbean national students studying throughout the region whether part-time or full-time undergraduates and graduates studying in the Caribbean region. Financial aid assistance is available in various forms such as scholarships, bursaries, book or cash grants, long- or short-term loans and other financial assistance, as well as bus and meal subsidies from the various educational institutions in Jamaica and the Caribbean region.

Scholarship and Bursaries

Financial opportunities as scholarships and bursaries are available for the upcoming academic year to students who maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 as well as active participation in co-curricular activities or other criteria prescribed by donors. These financial aid assistance are offered to deserving students from the various local college and universities through their respective Office of Student Financing (OSF). Visit or call the OSF of your school and ask about their financial aid opportunities.

Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB)

The Student Loan Bureau (SLB) is a financial agency specifically charged with providing financing for tertiary studies in Jamaica. Students using this facility will be given financial clearance and Registrar’s approval for the academic year, once the loan has been approved and the approval communicated to the various universities by the SLB. The SLB also offers small and large grants and bursaries to qualified loan applicants. Upon receiving your approval from the SLB, ask about the grants and bursaries opportunities that are available. Good Luck!

Part-Time Campus Employment 

Financial aid, student employment opportunities, while limited, are available through the Main Offices and libraries of the main local university campuses throughout the island. This includes opportunities for both summer employment and part-time employment on campus through the various offices, snack and restaurant locations, bookstores and libraries.

Government of Jamaica Bursaries

Financial bursaries are also available through the various ministries of the Government of Jamaica. Some of the main ministry donors are the Ministry of Finance through its scholarship, training and assistance department at hero’s circle, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Mining and Energy, your member of parliament office, the Office of the Prime Minister and through other career specific government ministries. As you can see, there are many options for you to try. Go Ahead!

Financial Aid Help in Jamaica
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Financial Aid Help in Jamaica
Get Financial aid opportunities and scholarship assistance for Jamaican students on scholarship, bursary and other financial aid assistance
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