International Scholarships
ACI Foundation Fellowship
International scholarships and fellowships offered to high-potential undergraduate and graduate students in engineering, architecture, construction management, and other appropriate curricula within the concrete field. Deadline for Applications is October 15 annually.
Australia Awards
Australia’s international scholarships development assistance in the Caribbean aims to assist in building Caribbean countries’ own capacity to progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by reducing their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, natural disasters and economic challenges. Australia Awards are aligned with Australia’s development assistance in the Caribbean, targeting human resource gaps in identified priority sectors. AusAID and the University of Adelaide Scholarships will assess applicants for their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to impact on development challenges in the Caribbean. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of scholarships. Applications are usually in April.
Chevening Awards
Chevening international Scholarships are awarded to talented professionals who are potential future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers. The scholarships offer financial support to study for a Master’s degree at one of the UK’s leading universities, and the opportunity to become part of an influential and highly regarded global network. Deadline for Application is 15 November at 23:59 GMT.
Commonwealth Scholarships for Master & PHD students
Commonwealth international Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study in the UK are offered for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. These scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Deadline for Applications is December annually.
Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany Development Postgraduate scholarships
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany would like to inform students (Undergraduate and Graduate) of their international scholarships and Development-Related Postgraduate scholarship programmes available for the next academic year.
Granier Canada Graduate Scholarships
The Vanier Canada graduate international scholarships (Vanier CGS) program helps Canada’s universities attract sought-after doctoral students from across Canada and around the world. These promising scholars help to create a dynamic and innovative environment within our university campuses. Many will stay to pursue academic and professional careers in Canada, helping to foster innovation and creating future leaders. Deadline for Applications is November 2015.
Government of Mexico Scholarships
Under the framework of the bilateral cooperation programme between Mexico and Jamaica, and the initiatives of Cooperation offered by Mexico to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), the Government of Mexico annually offers a comprehensive programme of international scholarships to Jamaican nationals to undertake complete programmes of Specialization, master’s or PhD degrees, and Postgraduate researches. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of scholarships. Applications are usually in August.
International Scholarship in Engineering For Jamaican Students At Dalhousie University
International scholarship in engineering for Jamaica Students at Dalhousie University is valued at a JM$1 million gift. Mr. Murray and his wife, Melda, are paving the way for student success through an endowed scholarship fund they have established at Dalhousie with a gift of JM$1 million to the Faculty of Engineering. Richard & Melda Murray Scholarships will be awarded to two students from Jamaica who are planning to pursue a career in civil engineering. The renewable scholarships, which will be awarded in perpetuity, are each valued at up to $22,000 per year.
Jamaica International Scholarship: Masters in Public Policy (China)
This programme is open to fresh university graduates as well as experienced professionals. The programme is offered through Peking University and is designed to train students in the field of public affairs, public administration, and public policy. The programme is full time over 1 year and is taught in English. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of international scholarships. Applications are usually in April. Read more
Jamaica International Scholarships tenable in China
The China International Scholarships Council invites applications from interested persons wishing to pursue studies leading to a Bachelor’s (4-7 years), Master’s (2-5 years) or Doctoral (3-6 years) degree in recommended Universities in China commencing September 2013. A total of seven (7) scholarships are being offered. Continue to check this website for information on the 2015 round of scholarships. Applications are usually in March.
JNBS & University of Birmingham Legacy Graduate Scholarship
The JNBS Legacy Scholarship is now open for application for the next academic year! The JNBS Legacy scholarship, which is in its second year, will see one Jamaican student being accepted to study for a one-year master’s degree in a business-related field at the UK-based institution beginning in October 2015. The University of Birmingham and Jamaica National Foundation Legacy Scholarship was launched in February 2014 at Kings House by His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, Governor-General of Jamaica.
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarships Program
Eligible applicants should propose a program of study related to development at the master’s level, in fields such as economics, health, education, agriculture, environment, natural resource management, or other development‑related subject. The proposed program of study should start during the academic year 2015/2016 for a maximum duration of two years. The JJ/WBGSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled (i.e., taking classes) in graduate degree programs. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of scholarships. Applications are usually in March.
Microsoft Jamaica International Scholarships
A Microsoft scholarship provides an advantage so you can pursue studies in computer science and related technical disciplines. To be eligible, you must be enrolled full time in a Bachelor’s degree program at a 4-year college or university in the United States, Canada, or Mexico at the time you submit the application. The Deadline is usually in January. Continue to check this website for an update on calls for applications for latest round of awards.
OFID (OPEC) Scholarships
OFID (The OPEC Fund for International Development) is pleased to announce that qualified applicants who have obtained or are on the verge of completing their undergraduate degree and who wish to study for a Master’s degree are welcome to apply for the OFID Jamaica Scholarship 2015. The OFID Scholarship will be awarded to support students or candidates for Master’s degree studies. The International Scholarships are open to those students who wish to pursue studies in a relevant field of Development or Energy Studies. The winner of the OFID Jamaica Scholarship Award will receive a tuition support of up to US$50,000. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of scholarships. Applications are usually in May.
Student Inventors Competition
The Collegiate Inventors Competition promotes exploration in invention, science, engineering, technology, and other creative endeavors and provides a window on the technologies from which society will benefit in the future. Entrants must be enrolled (or have been enrolled) full-time in any U.S. or Canadian college or university at least part of the 12-month period prior to the date the entry is submitted. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of international scholarships. Applications are usually in June.
The Ministry of Finance – Scholarship & Assistance Unit
The Scholarships and Assistance Unit, a major source of international scholarships for Jamaican students, manages the GOJ Civil Service Training Programme and acts as Point of Contact for the various international scholarships donor Agencies and Countries offering technical assistance to the Government under bilateral and multilateral agreements. In this regard, this office is responsible for disseminating information on training international scholarship and study opportunities as they become available. Some of the main international scholarships on offer are:
- OAS and Canada Offer Scholarships to Study Research on Drugs
- Organisation of the American States(OAS) Scholarships 2016
- ISA Endowment Fund
- Undergraduate Programmes in Cuba
- Postgraduate Programmes in Commonwealth, Japan, Mexico, and India
- Programmes in the OAS, China, and Russia
OAS Scholarships (Brazil)
The Organization of American States (OAS)⇒ and the Brazilian Universities Coimbra Group (GCUB) are providing more than 300 Jamaica international scholarships opportunities to outstanding citizens of OAS member countries to study masters or doctorate programs in Brazilian universities. Deadline for Applications is August 6 annually.
OAS Scholarship (Graduate)
OAS Academic Jamaica International Scholarships are awarded for full-time studies at a university or higher learning education institution in an OAS Member State with the exception of the applicant’s sponsoring country in eight (8) priority areas of study. OAS Academic Scholarships are awarded to undertake graduate studies (Master’s or Doctorate degree) and/or graduate research leading to a degree at a university or higher learning education institution (Not Post-Doctorate) in an OAS Member State. Continue to check this website for information on the latest round of international scholarships. Applications are usually in March.
OAS Jamaica Scholarship (Undergraduate)
The OAS academic Jamaica scholarships for undergraduate studies are offered for full time studies in any English-Speaking Caribbean Member State from the OAS, with the exception of the candidate’s sponsoring country.The OAS international scholarship is awarded for the last two years of study leading to an undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent), in universities of the OAS Member States. OAS Academic Scholarships are awarded for a maximum of two academic years. Continue to check this website for information on the 2014 round of scholarships. Applications are usually in March.
Find other international scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate level studies in the following countries: