JAMVAT ScholarshipJamaica Values and Attitudes Assistance for Tertiary Students

Please be advised that the Jamaica Values and Attitude Programme for Tertiary Students (JAMVAT) will be accepting application forms for the 2020/2021 academic year on Wednesday April 1, 2020 through to June 30, 2020.

All completed application forms must be submitted to:
Ministry of Education, Youth and Information
Tertiary Unit, Building three
4 National Heroes Circle,
Kingston 4

Note also that JAMVAT forms must be thoroughly completed prior to submission as incomplete applications will not be processed by the Ministry of education – the administrator.

The following documents must accompany each application form:

New Students (First Year)Returning Students (Continuing)
Acceptance letter (No older than 6 months)Status Letter (No older than 6 months)
Valid ID/certified copy of Birth CertificateTranscript (No older than 6 months)
Statement of accounts/Tuition letterStatement of accounts/Tuition letter
Passport size picturePassport size picture
TRNValid ID/certified copy of Birth Certificate

The JAMVAT application forms are available at : https://moey.gov.jm/node/158. Students are encouraged to download the application forms and return completed hard copy, along with the required documents, to the above address or to a designated JAMVAT liaison officer in the respective institutions on or before the scheduled deadline.

The Ministry of Education website at www.moe.gov.jm. The office of JAMVAT liaisons at each school (for information on liaison aides contact the Student Affairs or Guidance and Counselling Department at the tertiary institution).

If there are further queries, kindly contact the Tertiary Unit at 876 612-6032, 876 612-4051 or 876 612-6054 or Email: [email protected].

About the JAMVAT Programme

The Jamaica Values and Attitudes Programme provides assistance to tertiary students who qualify for admission, but are financially challenged to cover their tuition cost. Access to this programme provides the opportunity for students to participate in the development of the nation’s social capital through their contribution of 200 hours of public service.

In this programme, the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) pays 30% of the student’s tuition cost, which should not exceed $350,000.00 per annum. The financial aid objective of the programme is two-fold. JAMVAT promotes the participating students’ awareness of his/her civic responsibility while simultaneously encouraging the positive values and attitudes necessary for community development and nation building.

You can access the Following scholarship resources for further information:

JAMVAT Eligibility Criteria

The criteria for all JAMVAT applicants should satisfy in order to be provisionally approved for financial assistance are as follow:

Students shall be a Jamaican national, 18 years of age up to 35 years old (on or before December 31) of the year of application.

All applicants shall be pursuing their first undergraduate course of study on a full time basis. 

Shall matriculate to a tertiary institution registered by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ), and are pursuing courses accredited by the UCJ.

Shall have attained FULL matriculation. 

Students enrolled to bridging, preliminary or articulated programmes DO NOT qualify for assistance.

ALL JAMVAT applicants MUST be unemployed

May be a beneficiary of Student Loan Bureau (SLB).

Students must obtain a (B) average or Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5. Students MUST not yet have a first degree.

Students must be able to utilize financial assistance in the same academic year that approval is granted, no deferrals allowed.

Applicants must be able to perform a minimum of 200 hours of voluntary service at a Government or non-profit organization.

Shall not be repeating course of study due to academic failure.

Have not yet benefited from three (3) disbursements of financial assistance under the JAMVAT programme.

ONLY Students who are in need of financial assistance will be qualified.

For additional JAMVAT information visit http://moe.gov.jm/node/158 or contact the Tertiary Unit at 6126046-7, 612-4050- 1

Jamaica Values and Attitudes (JAMVAT) Programme for Tertiary Students
Article Name
Jamaica Values and Attitudes (JAMVAT) Programme for Tertiary Students
The JAMVAT Programme provides financial assistance to qualified tertiary level students with a maximum payment of 30% tuition or J350K of their tuition annually.
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