The Mico College Scholarships
Mico University college is one of the oldest, leading, and fastest growing teacher’s college in Jamaica and the entire Caribbean. The college, based in Kingston, neighboring Cross Roads and hero’s circle has a large campus and student population. They have one of the best Teacher’s college scholarship program⇒ in Jamaica.
Mico University College Brief History
From its founding in 1836, The graduates⇒ have become outstanding teachers, and educators as well as outstanding community leaders. This was in keeping with the expectations that The Mico should produce graduates who would perform roles and have influence in society way beyond the schools in which they taught and the communities in which they worked
The record of the Mico achievement, in successfully taking on new challenges has earned for the College the reputation of being a leader in educational development in Jamaica⇒ and the Caribbean. In seeking to meet the current challenges of Jamaica and the Caribbean, The college has substantially increased tertiary education enrollment by offering degree programmes to a greater number of citizens. It is no surprise therefore, that in 2006, the government upgraded The Mico to a University a degree granting institution.
Mico Scholarships
A constantly growing list of scholarships are available to Mico undergraduates. The awards⇒ are of varying amounts and are made on the basis of performance and other criteria. According to the admissions department of Mico, the academic performance criterion is divided into three (3) categories as follows:
- ScholarshipJamaica Scholarship List
- National Scholarship Digest by Next Move Jamaica Ltd
- Scholarship-To-Go by the Jamaica Gleaner
- Carreras Open Scholarships
- Grace Kennedy Foundation Scholarships
- NCB Foundation Scholarships
- Digicel Jamaica Foundation Scholarships
- Jamaica Flour Mills Scholarships
- JNBS Foundation Scholarships
Mico Specific Scholarships and awards
Mayberry Scholarship Award
Value of Scholarship – $25,000.00 per year for two years. This scholarship is given in honour of the late Mr Maurice Berry, a distinguished past student of the University College, and is awarded on the basis of performance, attitude to work, commitment to teaching and need. Use our National Scholarship Digest to identify this and other scholarships.
Lodge Mico Scholarship Award
Now open to male and female students, there are two scholarships available: $100, 000.00 per year for three years and another for $50,000 per year for three years.
Tastee Scholarship Award
Value of Scholarship – $50,000.00. Three scholarships are awarded to students in the areas of Special Education and Guidance and Counseling.
Renford Shirley Scholarship – Mosa New York Award
Value of Scholarship – $15,000.00. Donated by MOSA New York Chapter, in honour of Mr Renford A. Shirley, former Principal of the College, this scholarship is awarded to two full time final year students in the diploma programme – one male and one female.
The Capital and Credit Scholarship
Based primarily on academic performance and need, this award covers the full cost of the student’s tuition and board for three years of the degree programme.
Beverley Sailsman Scholarship
Value of scholarship – US$1,000.00. Open to Special Education students only. Five scholarships are available (three for students from the parish of Manchester and two from Clarendon).
Other Opportunities for support
Courts Jamaica Ltd through its Junior Management Programme offers summer job opportunities to students entering their final year at Mico. Visit the student aid office on campus or Courts head office for more information.
Additionally, financial assistance may also be available for students who do not meet the criteria for scholarships but have proven that they are in need of financial assistance. Please note that application for the above listed scholarships can be made through the Mico University College’s financial aid or admissions department.
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