Ministry Scholarships in the Government of Jamaica
Ministry scholarships by the Government of Jamaica are some of the most valuable scholarship offers and can be the easiest to win! Are you looking for political results? Searching through this list of Government of Jamaica Ministry’s scholarship offers may present the best political landmark on offer. After all, you voted for – of all things – a FREE education system. Get yours!
Ministry of Finance’s Scholarship and Assistance Unit
The Scholarships and Assistance Unit, which is the Public Service Establishment Division of the Ministry of Finance, manages the Government ministry scholarships, GOJ Civil Service Training Programme and acts as Point of Contact for the various scholarship donor Agencies and Countries offering technical assistance to the Government under bilateral and multilateral agreements. In this regard, this office is responsible for disseminating information on training and study opportunities as they become available.
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Ministry of Education
The following are ministry scholarships, bursaries and awards that are administered by the Tertiary Unit of the Ministry of Education for the every academic year. These ministry scholarships and awards are offered to not only to teachers but students desirous of pursuing higher education. To view information on the available ministry scholarships click
Ministry of Agriculture
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries has launched a scholarship fund programme at the College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE) locate in Portland. This Ministry scholarship program was developed to foster a partnership between the Minister and stakeholders in the agriculture sector.
Its an effort to explore opportunities for both institutions to consider pooling their resources to better serve farmers and enhance food production in Jamaica. Interested applicants for this scholarship should complete forms and submit to Major Lamey, head of the Scholarship Committee or Dr. Dian Medley, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)
The mandate of the Office of the Prime Minister is to ‘build a participatory framework for the creation of a quality society which galvanizes the entire nation to achieve its potential. The OPM does this my many means, the least of which is soliciting and offer ministry scholarships for local students.
Ministry of Labour and Social Security
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is the ministry responsible for the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH). The PATH programme is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) programme funded by the Government of Jamaica and the World Bank and is aimed at delivering benefits by way of cash grants to the most needy and vulnerable in the society.
PATH was introduced island wide in 2002. It seeks to rationalize the operations of three (3) then existing income transfer programmes in order to eliminate duplication, reduce administrative costs, streamline the use of resources, and increase the effectiveness of programme delivery to the poor.
Search for PATH Programme Scholarships here