The Programme of Advancement Through Health And Education - @JamaicaMlss || The Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education ( #PATHprogramme ) is the conditional Cash Transfer program for vulnerable households

Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH programme) is the conditional Cash Transfer program for vulnerable households

PATH Programme Bursaries 

PATH – the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education is a conditional cash transfer (CCT)  programme funded by the Government of Jamaica and the World Bank with the aim of delivering benefits by way of PATH cash and bursary grants to the most needy and vulnerable in the society. According to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the PATH was introduced island-wide in 2002.

It seeks to rationalize the operations of three (3) then existing income transfer programmes in-order to eliminate duplication, reduction in administrative costs, streamline the cost of resources, and increase the effectiveness of programme delivery to the poor.

PATH Qualification Requirements

To be qualified for the PATH programme, you must satisfy the specific eligibility criteria of the PATH programme that you are a member of a low income or poor family residing in Jamaica. This is accomplished through the application of a Proxy Means Test. The PATH applicant is interviewed and an application is completed with the help of Ministry personnel. The applicant is then asked to provide personal data pertaining to your  family, including levels of education attained, and your family’s access to basic social amenities.

On the basis of the information submitted and the application of the electronic beneficiary Identification System (BIS), families who meet the established criteria are selected. Information provided at the interview is later verified by a home visit, after which qualified applicants are registered to begin receiving payments.

Who are the beneficiaries?

There are 5 broad categories of beneficiaries, all of which must satisfy the criteria of poverty to qualify for benefits. These are:

  • Children: from birth to completion of secondary education
  • Elderly: 60 years or over, and not in receipt of a pension 
  • Persons with Disabilities
  • Pregnant and Lactating Women
  • Poor Adults 18-59 years

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PATH Programme Bursaries
Article Name
PATH Programme Bursaries
PATH, Programme of Advancement Through Health & Education, conditional cash transfer programme funded by the GOJ & World Bank to help the poor
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