Scholarship OpportunitiesScholarship Opportunities

Scholarship opportunities in Jamaica are available in ways and from sources that you may not thought of or recognized. If you are looking to find scholarship opportunities for university studies, you are in luck! There are plenty of scholarship opportunities out there and we are more than happy to share them with you.

The government of Jamaica, universities, colleges, corporations, non-profit organizations, foundations, and private providers all offer a number of ways to help students pay for a university or college education. While many students believe they have no choice but to take out student loans⇒ for studies, that is not the case.

Students in need of scholarships can find plenty of them on our web site. With more than 3000 thousand grant and scholarship opportunities worth more than JM$4.1billion, just about everyone is bound to find something. Why not take advantages of their offers by conducting a free college scholarship search⇒?

There are Scholarship Opportunities for Everyone

A commonly held belief is that college scholarships and grants⇒ are only available to the most active, most brilliant, and most talented of students, and that there are no scholarship opportunities for average students⇒, or even above-average students who lack exceptional backgrounds or exceptional financial need.

We also have scholarships for adult students⇒ and scholarships for women⇒, as well as scholarship opportunities for business school⇒, education majors, journalism⇒ students, and many others. Additionally, our database features an extensive array of local scholarships⇒ for all 14 parishes. 

Search for Scholarship Opportunities

Students don’t need to look hard for scholarship opportunities—they just need to look. There are more than enough out there, and free information is readily available. Check out our “ Resources⇒” for additional scholarship and financial aid⇒ information, and begin saving for your education today.

Scholarship opportunities search starts at the point of your enrollment application. Conduct prior research through our website or through the schools financial aid office. Secondly, ask about financial aid and scholarship opportunities⇒ that are available. other sources of scholarship opportunities can be identified through the following:

  • Community groups and clubs such as Police Officers’ Club, Girls Guides, Key Club and 4-H Clubs.
  • Your employer and the employer of your parents are vital sources of scholarships and grants.
  • Places that you volunteer and your community church organization local and international arm.
  • Most importantly, scholarships⇒ are available from companies that you are customer of. Some of the most generous consumer porduct/service companies in Jamaica are Grace Kennedy Foods, major supermarket chains, MegaMart or Gasoline retailers.

Be a part…

We highly recommend these agency to join as a member. Membership in these youth groups and communities will bring awareness to the hundreds of local and international scholarship opportunities in and around your area.

  • The National Centre of Youth Development ( Youth Information Centers – NCYD or YIC): The National Centre for Youth Development, the youth division in the Ministry of Youth and Culture was established in the year 2000 as the Government department with responsibility for young people aged 15 – 24 years  throughout the island.

  • National Police Youth Club Council of Jamaica (NPYCCJ): National Police Youth Club Council of Jamaica is the arm of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), via the Community Safety and Security Branch, that deals specifically with fostering a better relationship between Communities and the Police. The NPYCCJ is the Advocate, Connector and Enabler for Youth Development and Growth by way of community policing. Together with our partners, NPYCCJ develops a vibrant and supportive environment for youth who are inspired to dream and committed to action. 

This is just a short list of scholarship opportunities source. We welcome your suggestion⇒ of other sources that we may add to this list!

Scholarship donors image

Also see: Scholarship Resources | Corporate Solutions | Financial Aid | Scholarship Donors | Scholarship Digest

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