university scholarships

Jamaica University Scholarships recipients at their graduation ceremony

University Scholarships in Jamaica

University scholarships in Jamaica are no different from general or secondary school scholarships and bursaries. All major local university offers scholarships and bursaries to needy students and those that have exceptional grades annually. 

University scholarships are used as a financial incentive to attractive a diverse student population and also to win over students with the greatest potential. University scholarships are a universal principle that all education institution in Jamaica and the Caribbean region should adapt and seek to improve every academic year.

Another important aspect of university scholarships in Jamaica is a venue for universities, GOJ, individuals, foundations, and private and public sector organizations to show financial support to students in need. In return, supporting the island’s literacy rate and establishing an educated and skilled workforce.

Nearly every university offers at least one scholarship award especially for their students. Many of these awards are worth substantial amounts, occasionally covering as much as a student’s full cost of attendance. While some of these awards are well-publicized, others are harder to find. The largest university scholarships specific awards tend to come from major universities with large endowments, though this is not always the case, as some local colleges are also committed to offering generous financial aid.

University Scholarships by Institutions

View the following list of Jamaica university specific scholarships that are currently available for applications:

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