UWIDEF Scholarships, UWI Development and Endowment Fund

UWIDEF Scholarships are now open to new and returning UWI students. Visit our page and apply early to be the first to win UWI Development and Endowment Fund awards

The Annual UWIDEF Scholarships

The UWI Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF) scholarships are the main source of alternative tuition financing available at the UWI, Mona Campus today. These UWIDEF scholarships have been financed by contributions from annual donors. 

The UWI Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF Scholarship) is the major fundraising arm of the UWI Mona campus and provides stewardship for funds raised through major capital campaigns and projects, general endowment and planned giving.  

Since its incorporation in 1990, UWIDEF scholarships has implemented numerous projects including grants and scholarships for both undergraduate studies and post graduate research, and establishment of various facilities for students.  

UWIDEF scholarships has successfully collaborated with the UWI Mona Office of Student Financing (OSF) to consistently award scholarships brokered by UWIDEF since 1990. For the previous academic years sixteen (16) UWIDEF scholarship awards are available spanning a wide cross-section of academic fields.

These  UWIDEF Scholarships and Bursaries are available out of the UWIDEF office each with their own requirement specified by the donor and approved by the Office of Student Financing.

The UWIDEF program is one of many local free education financing foundations and funds that students like you can obtain financial aid assistance from. Other local Major Scholarship Foundations can be reviewed on our best local scholarship foundation listing.

Things to note when applying for UWIDEF Scholarships:

  • Applications for the UWIDEF scholarships must be made through the Office of Student Financing unless otherwise stated: Office of Student Financing (OSF) |The University of the West Indies Campus Mona, Jamaica | (876) 935-8315 | [email protected]| http://myspot.mona.uwi.edu/osf/
  • Each recipient of the UWI Development and Endowment Fund scholarships will participate in a photo shoot for Public Relations purposes. If this is not feasible, for example Law students currently at the Cavehill Campus, the recipients must submit a high resolution photograph appropriate for publications. Please note that this is separate from and does not omit the requirement to provide a passport sized photograph as part of the application process.
  • UWIDEF scholarships or bursary recipient will be expected to write a letter of gratitude to the Donor of this award and provide an academic resume.
  • UWIDEF scholarships or bursary recipient is required to attend the UWIDEF Annual Donor Recognition and Scholarship Awards event to formally receive the award and interact with the donors.  Recipients who are at campuses outside of Jamaica may send a representative to the event.  Outside of critical emergencies there are no exceptions to this provision.


This scholarship is available to students in various faculties at UWI.
Value:                                   $250,000 each
Tenable in:                              Any Faculty (except Faculty of Medical Sciences)
Year of Study:                         1st, 2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:               3 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                 1 year
Criteria:                                   Academic performance, financial need
Condition:                               200 hours of volunteer service with UWIDEF

About the Donor:

These scholarships have been financed by contributions from annual donors.  Annual donors are individuals who provide contributions to the UWI Development and Endowment Fund. The UWI Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF scholarships) is the major fundraising arm of the UWI Mona campus and provides stewardship for funds raised through major capital campaigns and projects, general endowment and planned giving.   Since its incorporation in 1990, UWIDEF has implemented numerous projects including grants and scholarships for both undergraduate studies and post graduate research, and establishment of various facilities for students.


 Value:                                   $125,000
Tenable in:                            Department of Geography and Geology
Year of Study:                       Postgraduate
Number of awards:             1 Annual
Maximum Tenure:             2 years

Criteria:                                1) Graduate with an Upper Second Class Honours B.S.C. degree. 2) Knowledge of basic concepts in petrology as well as the geology of the Caribbean region (with special reference to Jamaica). 3) Research interest including hydrogeology; environmental geosciences (with special emphasis on geophysics at the undergraduate level); Groundwater contamination, saltwater intrusion, and groundwater prospecting; earthquake microzonation and the use of seismology for the study of the tectonic of Caribbean Plate. 4) Knowledge of field mapping and. 5) must be a citizen of Jamaica

Deadline for applications are June 30. Application forms are available on the Department of Geology website at http://myspot.mona.uwi.edu/dogg/ and details of the awards are available from the Department of Geography and Geology, Mona Campus, Jamaica, W.I.


 Value:                                       $125,000
Tenable in:                              Faculty of Humanities and Education – CARIMAC
Programme:                           Journalism
Year of Study:                         2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:               1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                 1 year
Criteria:                                   Academic performance, financial need
Condition:                               200 hour Internship with Nationwide News Network


Value:                           $125,000
Tenable in:                     Faculty of Social Sciences – Department of Government
Programme:                  Political Science, Public Sector Management, International Relations
Year of Study:                2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:      1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:        1 year
Criteria:                          Academic performance, financial need
Condition:                      200 hour Internship with Nationwide News Network


 Value:                                      $300,000 each
Tenable in:                                 Faculty of Science and Technology – Department of Physics
Programme:                               Telecommunications specialization
Year of Study:                             3rd year
Number of awards:                   5 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                     1 year
Criteria:                                       Academic performance, financial need


Value:                                              $350,000
Tenable in:                                          Faculties of Social Sciences – Hotel Management
Programme:                                       Food and Beverage
Year of study:                                      2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:                           1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             2 years
Criteria:                                               Jamaica national; academic achievement; and verifiable financial need.
Condition:                                           Tastee maintains first right of employment; internship and other engagement with Tastee Ltd. **In the absence of a suitable candidate, applicants pursuing studies in Food Technology/Food Chemistry may be considered.

 About the Donor:

Mr. Vincent Chang is founder of Tastee Patties Limited. The firm is one of the largest patty companies in the Caribbean and a leading brand.  Tastee spends over $10 million per year to support community services.  Tastee’s dedication to philanthropy is highlighted by its commitment to education through numerous scholarships including scholarships to UWI students since 1996.   Tastee Limited is a member of the UWI Development and Endowment Fund’s Century Club.  The Century Club is made up of enlightened and committed individuals, associations and companies who understand the need and value of the University of the West Indies, and who contributed a minimum of J$1 Million to the Fund.


 Value:                                            $200,000
Tenable in:                                        Faculty of Social Sciences
Programme:                                     Accounting and Management   
Year of study:                                  2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:                         1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                           2 years
Criteria:                                             Jamaica national; academic achievement; and verifiable financial need.
Condition:                                         Tastee maintains first right of employment; internship and other engagement with Tastee Ltd.


Value:                                            $125,000
Tenable in:                                        Faculty of Law, Cave Hill Campus

Programme:                                     Law
Year of study:                                  2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:                         1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                           2 years

Criteria:                                           Minimum GPA 3.0, Jamaican nationals who successfully complete the first year of the LL.B programme at the University of the West Indies                         

About the Donor:

DunnCox (formerly Dunn, Cox, Orett and Ashenheim) is one of Jamaica’s and the Caribbean’s leading law firms.  A member of the UWI Development and Endowment Fund Century Club since 1999, Duncoxx is one of the earliest members.  The Century Club is made up of enlightened and committed individuals, associations and companies who understand the need and value of the University of the West Indies, and who contributed a minimum of J$1 Million to the Fund.  The contribution from Dunncox was used to create a scholarship endowment which has supported academic excellence in Law.


Tenable in:                                         Faculty of Law
Programme:                                        Law
Year of study:                                      2nd
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                              2 years
Criteria:                                               Jamaica national; and verifiable financial need.
Condition:                                            Internship and other engagement with Tastee Ltd.


This scholarship is available to students in the area of Law at the UWI

Value:                                                $100,000
Tenable in:                                         Faculty of Law, Cave Hill
Programme:                                        Law
Year of study:                                      2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:                            2 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                              2 years
Criteria:                                               Jamaican nationals who successfully complete the first year of the LL.B programme at the University of the West Indies

About the Donor:
Myers Fletcher & Gordon is the largest law firm in Jamaica and in the Caribbean.  Frank L. Myers was the founding partner of the law firm who showed great interest in the education of Caribbean law students at the University of the West Indies. 

Myers  Fletcher  & Gordon is a member of the UWI Development and Endowment Fund’s Century Club since 1994 .The Century Club is made up of generous  and committed individuals, associations and companies who understand the need and value of the University of the West Indies, and who contributed a minimum of J$1 Million of the Fund.


This scholarship is available to students from Glenmuir High School
Value:                                                $100,000
Tenable in:                                         Any Faculty
Year of study:                                      1st, 2nd and 3rd
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                              3 years
Criteria:                                               Academic achievement; leadership qualities; and verifiable financial need.

About the Donor:
Dorcas and Rudolph Brown, two retired teachers from Clarendon, established a trust in 2003 to assist qualified alumni from the Glenmuir High School in Clarendon, wishing to study at the UWI Mona campus.  This partnership was facilitated by the University of the West Indies Development and Endowment Fund’s Scholarship Programme.   

Mrs. Brown taught at Glenmuir High School for twenty (20) years where she also served as the school’s first vice principal.  She also served as the principal at Bishop Gibson High School.  Her husband, Mr. Rudolph Brown taught at the Vere Technical High School for three (3) years and at the Shortwood Teachers’ College for a year before assuming the post of Education Officer in the Ministry of Education.   The Browns are strong believers in education.


Value:                                                $250,000
Tenable in:                                         Faculty of Science and Technology in the field of Environmental Biology
Year of study:                                      3rd year
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                              2 years
Criteria:                                               Jamaican Nationals, Academic performance Conditions: 200hours of voluntary service to The Forest Conservancy or any other Environmental Programme

About the Donor:
Keats C. Hall is recognized for his immeasurable contribution to forest and watershed conservation and management in Jamaica. He was the first director of the Forest Industries Development Company (FIDCO), which sought to make Jamaica’s woodlands serve development while being protected.

Mr. Hall served On board committees of Government agencies, including the National Resources Conservation Authority and the National Wildlife Commission . His work had global impact having served the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) an organization of the United Nations in South America and Africa. 

This scholarship is dedicated to his memory and his life’s work and is awarded to a student with a strong interest in environmental science.


Value:                                                 $50,000
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Medical Sciences
Programme:                                         Medicine
Year of Study:                                       2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                              2 years
Criteria:                                               Verifiable financial, minimum GPA 2.5

 About the Donor: 
The Jamaica Medical Students’ Association, JAMSA, is a not-for-profit student organisation comprised of all the students at the UWI Mona campus registered in the Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) programme. 

JAMSA represents the views of medical students as well as it coordinates and facilitates the Association’s various activities and initiatives.  The Kevin Wilson Scholarship Fund established in 2005 is the largest pool of funds to be donated by a student group at the University of the West Indies, Mona.

The Jamaica Medical Students Association (JAMSA) has been able to accomplish this feat through their yearly theater production Smoker. The Kevin Wilson Scholarship is dedicated to the memory of Kevin Wilson (Class of 2008).


Value:                                                $50,000
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Medical Sciences
Programme:                                         Medicine
Year of Study:                                       1st 2nd
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                               2 years
Criteria:                                               Verifiable financial, minimum GPA 2

The Jamaica Medical Students’ Association, JAMSA, is a not-for-profit student organisation comprised of all the students at the UWI Mona campus registered in the Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) programme.

JAMSA represents the views of medical students as well as it coordinates and facilitates the Association’s various activities and initiatives.  The Kevin Wilson Scholarship Fund established in 2005 is the largest pool of funds to be donated by a student group at the University of the West Indies, Mona.

The Jamaica Medical Students Association (JAMSA) has been able to accomplish this feat through their yearly theater production Smoker. The Kevin Wilson Scholarship is dedicated to the memory of Kevin Wilson (Class of 2008).


This scholarship is available to Glenmuir High School Alumni
Value:                                                $50,000
Tenable in:                                            Any Faculty
Programme:                                         Medicine
Year of Study:                                       1st year
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 years
Criteria:                                               Jamaican National. Academic performance, demonstrated leadership qualities and commitment to volunteerism

About the Donor:

The Douane Henry Memorial Bursary was established in 2011 by the Henry family in memory of their son, Douane Henry, who was UWIDEF’s dedicated research officer for 7 years. Mr. Henry was passionate about education and made the work of helping students obtain financial assistance his priority.

He encouraged philanthropy among students and under his stewardship UWIDEF established the first scholarship funded by students. This bursary supports students from Mr. Henry’s home parish of Clarendon and/or graduates of his alma mata, Glenmuir High School.


Value:                                                $50,000
Tenable in:                                            The Faculty of Medicine
Programme:                                         Medicine
Year of Study:                                       1st and 2nd year
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 years
Criteria:                                               Academic performance; financial need; demonstrated leadership    qualities; and co- curricular or community involvement.

About the Donor:
The UWI Medical Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to provide financial assistance to medical students at the UWI Mona in their clinical years and who have demonstrated exceptional service to the community.

This is an endowed fund and was made possible entirely through the personal contributions of members of the Class of 1973 over a period of ten years.


Value:                                                £500
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Medical Sciences
Programme:                                         Medicine
Year of Study:
Number of awards:                            1 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 years
Criteria:                                               Jamaican National, maintains satisfactory academic record, takes the Surgery Prize

About the Donor:   
The award commemorates Dr. Aubrey McFarlane, a noted surgeon and physician par excellence who was Chief Medical Officer in the government service.

The late Professor John Golding in his account in his book, Ascent to Mona, spoke of Dr. McFarlane as one of the most gifted surgeons he has ever met.  The award is funded annually from an endowment established by Dr. McFarlane’s family and is managed by the UWI Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF).


This bursary is available to students in the field of nursing
Value:                                                $50,000 each
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Medical Sciences
Programme:                                         Nursing
Year of Study:
Number of awards:                            2 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 year
Criteria:                                               academic performance

About the Donor:
The University Hospital of the West Indies School of Nursing Alumni Association (Canadian Chapter) is a group of UHWI Nursing School alumni living in Canada and who remain dedicated to nursing education in Jamaica. 

They have established an endowment to provide bursaries for students in the nursing programme at the UWI, Mona campus.


Value:                                                $50,000 each
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Medical Sciences
Year of Study:                                     Complete Stage 1 M.B.B.S. (first three years)
Number of awards:                            1 award (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 year
Criteria:                                               Minimum GPA 2.7, financial need, Jamaican nationals eligible

Note: Applications should be made directly to the Faculty of Medical.

About the Donor:

The Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS), Mona, Jamaica began its distinguished history as the principal institution for medical education in the Commonwealth Caribbean in 1948.

Since its inception, when the first class of 33 medical students was accepted, the Faculty at Mona has grown to include programmes in nursing and medical technology as well as medicine.

Originally called the Faculty of Medicine, this name was changed in 1984 to the Faculty of Medical Sciences to reflect the expanded curriculum.


Value:                                                CAN$1,500 each
Tenable in:                                           Faculty of Medical Sciences
Year of Study:                                     1st year in Nursing
Number of awards:                           2 awards (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                            1 year
Criteria:                                              Jamaican national academic performance with a minimum GPA 3.3

About the Donor:

The University Hospital of the West Indies School of Nursing Alumni Association (Canadian Chapter) is a group of UHWI Nursing School alumni living in Canada and who remain dedicated to nursing education in Jamaica.  They have established an endowment to provide bursaries for students in the nursing programme at the UWI, Mona campus.


Value:                                                $50,000 each
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Humanities and Education
Programme:                                         B.ED in Modern Languages – Spanish
Year of Study:                                      1st, 2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:                            5 awards  (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 year
Criteria:                                               Outstanding academic performance in CAPE or academic performance based on the results of the previous year University examinations (minimum GPA of 2.7); verifiable financial need, All Caribbean nationals eligible.

About the Donor:

The Spanish-Jamaican Foundation (SJF) was created in 2006 as a non-profit organization of goodwill, intended to deepen the friendship between the people of Spain and Jamaica.

The SJF hopes to strengthen partnerships between Spain and Jamaica through sustainable participation in projects focusing on education, cultural, environmental awareness and community development.


Value:                                                $75,000 each
Tenable in:                                            Faculty of Medical Sciences
Programme:                                         MBBS
Year of Study:                                      1st year
Number of awards:                            2 awards  (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 year
Criteria:                                               Outstanding academic performance in CAPE, financial need, Jamaican nationals.


Value:                                                $100,000 each
Tenable in:                                           Any Faculty
Programme:                                         Any
Year of Study:                                     2nd or 3rd  year
Number of awards:                            2 awards  (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 year
Criteria:                                               Applicant must be an active member of a performing arts group on campus for at least one year. Minimum GPA 3.0, and verifiable financial need.


Value:                                                CAN$1,000 each
Tenable in:                                           Faculty of Humanities and Education
Programme:                                         Science or Math Education
Year of Study:                                     2nd or 3rd  year
Number of awards:                            1 award  (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                             1 year
Criteria:                                              Academic performance GPA 2.7, financial need, leadership qualities, volunteerism, co-curricular involvement and social involvement.

Condition: 40 hours of volunteer service with UWIDEF

About the Donor:

Dr. Wycliffe Lofters and Mrs. Felicia Lofters are alumni of the University of the West Indies. Dr. Lofters taught many medical students and residents during his years working at the university, and Mrs.

Lofters taught at the Immaculate Conception High School where she served as Head of the Science Department. Both are also children of teachers. The Lofters family are strong believers in the importance of education.

More UWIDEF scholarships will be published soon.


UWIDEF Scholarships
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UWIDEF Scholarships
UWIDEF Scholarships are now open to new and returning UWI students. Visit our page and apply early to be the first to win UWI Development and Endowment Fund awards.
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