College scholarships

Millions of Jamaican College scholarships are available in Jamaica to qualified enrolled students in local all major university, specialty and community colleges. Take a moment to review and apply for these scholarship opportunities.

Win Millions in Jamaican College Scholarships

Jamaican College scholarships are the same as general scholarships. It is a case where some people are familiar with one of the two phrases. College scholarships are available for high school, undergraduate, graduate and international students attending a college or technical school in Jamaica. Apply for Jamaican College Scholarships!

We offer college scholarships to students through major local donors and institutions who have been utilizing our scholarship search services since 2010. One of our main objective at, which is an affiliate of Next Move Jamaica Limited is to be the premier scholarships database and the first and only source of college scholarships and bursaries year-round. 

Major College Scholarships for you!

Most of the students who succeeded in earning scholarships did so for two reasons:

  1. They met the criteria outlined by the scholarship sponsor.
  2. They approached the application process strategically and were selective in their pursuit of scholarship opportunities. It’s that simple.

There is no magic recipe that will help you win a college scholarship. What there is, however, is a time-tested strategy that many students find incredibly helpful in organizing their scholarship search. The students who apply these techniques usually come out ahead in the end.

Assess each individual college scholarship opportunity as this will take time but your investment will pay off. After narrowing down your list so that it only includes the scholarships that are most relevant, consider the following categories:

  • Deadlines. How long do you have to complete the college scholarship application?
  • Difficulty of preparation. Considering the deadline, do you have time to thoroughly prepare for this award?
  • Award amount. How much is the award worth? If it is only worth a few thousand dollars, consider whether or not you are willing to spend your time on it. Keep in mind that every little bit does help and that you have a greater chance at receiving slightly smaller bursaries as opposed to full tuition scholarships simply because they are less competitive.

 Begin Applying

Alright, you have determined what college scholarships you are actually interested in applying for. Chances are your list is a good bit shorter now and much more feasible. Begin submitting to the college scholarships that you have ranked highest in priority. Good luck!

This is a list of other colleges in Jamaica that offers less competitive bursaries and grants that may best fit your career objectives.


Article Name
College Scholarships
Millions of College scholarships are available in Jamaica to qualified enrolled students in local university or community colleges
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