Unicomer Jamaica Director of Human Capital Claudette Gordon-McFarlane presents scholarship awardee Andricka Foster with her certificate at the awards ceremony held recently at the Knutsford Court Hotel as part of the Dare to Dream Courts customer scholarship initiative.
Courts Jamaica on August 9, 2017 awarded 44 Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), skills training and tertiary scholarships valued at over $8 million, as part of the Dare to Dream Courts customer scholarship initiative.
The scholarship programme awards students of excellence and has supported a total of 2,550 scholars since 1986.
In his opening remarks, Unicomer Jamaica Limited Managing Director Dennis Harris stated: “All the recipients sitting here have gone through stringent preliminary rounds of selection based on a set of comprehensive assessment criteria. Apart from an illustrious track record of academic and non-academic achievements, we look for qualities of an active learner such as independent and reflective thinking, initiative and creativity;. We look for signs of a responsible citizen such as positive values, public spirit and commitment; we also look for attributes of a capable leader such as vision, confidence and collaborative skills.”
The Courts customer scholarship programme seeks to give back to loyal customers and provides financial assistance to needy customers or their dependents with their educational goals. Tertiary grants are valued at $250,000 each, with an additional four full scholarships valued at $400,000 each (for the duration of the programme) for undergraduate study. Some 29 GSAT awardees received $100,000 each and skills training awards are valued at $50,000 each for HEART Trust enrollees.
This article was first published in the JamaicaObserver.
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