The Insurance Association of the Caribbean, Inc., Annual Insurance Scholarship For Studies in Insurance, Actuarial Science or Risk Management. The Insurance Association of the Caribbean, Inc (IAC) in association with Pan American Life Insurance Group Presents their annual undergraduate and graduate scholarship programme.
IAC Annual Insurance Scholarship
The Insurance Association of the Caribbean, Inc (IAC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion and growth of the Caribbean Insurance Industry. Its membership is diverse with a large contingent of registered affiliates located throughout the Caribbean, Canada, Europe and the United States that specialise in every field of insurance.
Insurance Association of the Caribbean (IAC) was the “brainchild” of a small group of visionaries (industry leaders from Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana and Barbados) who wanted to prepare the indigenous insurance industry for the future challenges of the remaining century.
Since 1911, Pan-American Life has been dedicated to being the first-choice partner for top rated life, accident and health insurance and employee benefits for local and multi-national companies, as well as individuals seeking trusted financial security. Guided by the success and strength of its 100-year history, PALIG has established a track record as one of the most financially sound insurance companies. The company’s heritage manifests a longstanding dedication to providing customers with innovative products and services to secure their future.
In an effort to encourage tertiary level students to study and pursue careers in insurance, risk management and actuarial science, Insurance Association of the Caribbean, Inc (IAC), in association with Pan American Life Insurance Group, is pleased to announce The Insurance Association of the Caribbean Inc. Annual Insurance Scholarship.
It is the hope of the Insurance Scholarship programme that by offering scholarship opportunities, young scholars would be encouraged to take insurance, actuarial, risk management and courses, while receiving the financial support they need to complete their degrees.
The Insurance Scholarship Detail:
- US$2000 to go toward tuition fees
- A six-week summer internship at a Pan-American Life Company or an IAC Member Company
Application Requirements:
- A Caribbean National
- A graduate or an undergraduate student at one of the three University of the West Indies (UWI) campuses
- Good academic standing
- A major in insurance, risk management or actuarial science or an interest in pursuing a career in an insurance related field
- A completed scholarship application form
- A copy of current transcript information
- A 750 – 1000 word essay outlining how you were inspired to pursue a career in the insurance industry and your career objectives following graduation
- A letter of recommendation
Application Deadline: August 31, 2020 | Application can be downloaded here
Further details may be obtained from the IAC Secretariat at:
Telephone: 1-246-427-5608/9 or Email: [email protected]

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