Merit Based Scholarships
Merit based scholarships are otherwise known as academic scholarships, are basically just what you probably think they are. In order to get an academic or merit based scholarship to pay your tuition, you are going to need to get exceedingly good grades and, most likely, graduate in the top five to ten percent of your class.
Merit based scholarships are often related to academic performance, but can also be given to a candidate displaying artistic or athletic excellence or sometimes a combination thereof. It’s probably safe to say that, while all academic scholarships are merit scholarships, not all merit scholarships are academic scholarships.
You have a chance at winning scholarships of this nature if you’re a strong student, either generally or in your area of study, and an even better chance if you’re heavily involved in extracurricular activities.
Finding Merit Based Scholarships
Many merit based scholarships, are offered by the colleges and universities themselves, and may require more than just academic excellence. For example, some may require you have some other honorary title or have received some other merit based scholarships or recognition by an esteemed organization or society such as ScholarshipJamaica or your local club.
Other merit based scholarships simply require you to get a certain score on the CXC, GSAT or end of year or end of term exam GPAs and to graduate near the top of your class. While these are common varieties of merit based scholarships, very few students qualify for large awards through their schools. Rather, most students have better luck finding money for college through private providers of academic scholarship awards.
Merit Based Scholarship Opportunities
Sagicor Jamaica Limited Merit Based Scholarship: Sagicor Jamaica limited offers annual merit based scholarships and need based scholarships to qualified students. Each year, with the assistance of the Ministry of Education. Sagicor identifies students who have performed exceptionally well in the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) for these awards. Last awards were valued at nearly J$10 million over a five year merit based scholarship award.
Courts Jamaica Limited Annual Merit Based Scholarships: Courts Jamaica offers annual merit based scholarships to top GSAT students in each parish plus selected tertiary scholarships to all major local universities. Education is a critical component of the Courts Corporate Social Responsibility programme and the company is dedicated to empowering and giving hope to young Jamaicans through education.
To date, Courts have assisted over 1000 students with completing their education having invested some $90 million in scholarships and bursaries. Twenty-nine scholarships, each worth $100,000, went to students, who received high grades in this year’s Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT). Six students, who will pursue skills training at HEART Trust/NTA’s academies, were awarded $50,000 each, while 20 tertiary level students, received $150,000 each.
JNBS Scholarship Programme: JNBS offers annual merit based scholarships to students who are family member of account holders and general island wide customers. Merit based scholarships are offered to top GSAT students and first year tertiary level students at all major local university, college or skills training programme institutions.
VMBS Merit Based Scholarships: Scholarships, Bursaries and grants are awarded annually to GSAT students, students pursuing tertiary studies and teachers who have the desire to upgrade their skills in order to serve our children better. Many Jamaicans, have benefited from our Scholarships and Grants Program.