The National Health Fund EduCare Grant Programme provides assistance to students currently enrolled in a degree programme relating to the delivery of health care. The grant provides assistance to students currently enrolled in a degree programme related to delivery of healthcare who are experiencing financial difficulties.
The Application Form
All persons applying to the financial grant programme are required to complete the National Health Fund EduCare Grant Application Form. This form has a check-list of requirements that are detailed below. Failure to provide all the required information will jeopardize a scholarship applicant’s opportunity.
NOTE: Applying to the grant programme is not an automatic acceptance, nor is it a guarantee that the grant will cover the entire cost of a degree programme. Students are therefore encouraged to actively seek alternative and/or concurrent sources of funding for their tuition and associated fees.
National Health Fund EduCare Grant Eligibilty Criteria
NOTE: All of the following must form part of the National Health Fund EduCare Grant application package submitted. Failure to provide all the requirements will result in an application being considered “Incomplete”.
- A recent passport-sized photograph.
- Proof of Jamaican citizenship
- Be experiencing challenges with the payment of tuition fees
- Be pursuing a degree in a health care related field
- Proof of current enrolment to an accredited programme of study at an accredited University.
- Current cumulative GPA report from the University
- At least two (2) reference letters regarding the applicant’s character from notable persons in the applicant’s community (teacher, pastor, employer, etc.).
- Where possible, evidence of community service (awards, letters acknowledging participation, etc.).
NB. If approved, a Bonding Agreement must be signed with the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service for this National Health Fund Grant.
The Application Process
Once completed, the application should be sent to:
NHF EduCare Grant Programme
Health Promotions and Public Relations
National Health Fund
25 Dominica Drive
Kingston 5
Telephone: (876) 906-1106
Email: info@nhf.org.jm
Completed applications are reviewed and the most eligible persons are then scheduled for an interview by the Financial Grant Committee.
NHF EduCare Grants are awarded based on the need expressed in the completed application (which forms part of the evidence of eligibility) and the interview.
Grant awardees will be called shortly after the interview to be advised of the details of their awards.

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