Oxford Pershing Square

Oxford Pershing Square Foundation: MBA/Masters Degree 

Deadline: Mar 2018 (annual)

Study in:  UK | Course starts September 2018

Oxford Pershing Square Brief Description

Every year, the Oxford Pershing Square Foundation awards up to five full scholarships to support outstanding students on the 1+1 MBA, covering both the Master’s degree and the MBA year.

Host Institution(s): Said Business School, University of Oxford in United Kingdom

Level/Field(s) of study:

Oxford’s 1+1 MBA Programme: Oxford University’s one-year full-time MBA programme combined with one of the one-year Masters programmes offered by other University departments

Number of Awards: Five (5) per year

Target group: Open to all countries

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

The scholarship provides funding for tuition, college fees and a contribution towards living expenses covering both the Master’s degree and the MBA year.

Oxford Pershing Square Eligibility/Selection Criteria

Pershing Square Scholarships are awarded to individuals with the following attributes:

  • Academic achievement
  • Leadership potential, demonstrated through experience and motivation
  • Strong personal character, integrity and commitment
  • Intention to focus on addressing world-scale social challenges in your career, either in an existing organisation or through development of a new enterprise
  • Ability to envision how to achieve scalable and sustainable solutions to these challenges
  • Articulated vision on how the Oxford 1+1 MBA will allow you to fulfil your objectives

You must meet the entry requirements for both the Oxford MBA and your chosen Master’s programme.

Application instructions:

To be considered for the scholarship, you must apply to the 1+1 MBA by March 2018. Please note that some partnering Masters close their applications in January 2018 and others in March 2018.

In addition to the Master and MBA applications, you must submit an essay of no more than 500 words addressing this question ‘How do you intend to change the world? What does this tell us about you as a person?’

It is important to read the how to apply page and visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website: http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/programmes/degrees/1plus1/pershing-square-scholarship

Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships
Article Name
Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships
Apply for the annual Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships open to all international students wishing to study in the UK at the prestigious Oxford University

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