PEP Scholarships and Bursaries Sagicor
Get your share of J$15 Million in PEP Scholarships and bursaries that are available to PEP students entering secondary level education in Jamaica. Deadline varies
Get your share of J$15 Million in PEP Scholarships and bursaries that are available to PEP students entering secondary level education in Jamaica. Deadline varies

The demand for secondary level PEP scholarships are at its highest this academic year. This is largely due to the effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) as well as due to the higher demand of the cost of education in Jamaica.

Luckily, we have some of the most generous scholarship donors coming to our rescue. This year, we have an estimated combined PEP scholarships and bursaries pool of funds exceeding J$15 million. We share the joy of the potential PEP scholarships in Jamaica recipients and their parents and say a mighty- THANK YOU!

Our Secondary Scholarship list is not complete by any means! Secondary level scholarships are continually offered by small and large donors as they see the demand of their community. In that, there are other secondary levels awards that we hope you will find.

These are PEP awards Worth North of J$15 Million!

The following are the main current secondary scholarship listing on offer for the 2020 academic year. Be in the winners circle and apply early. For additionally assistance, your ScholarshipJamaica Team is here to guide you.

The First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union (FHC Foundation) Youth PEP Awards

The objective of the FHC Foundation is to promote the development of the Jamaican youth in the areas of Education, Sports and Skills Training. Special emphasis will be placed on the improvement of literacy at the Primary and Secondary level.

FHC recognize the achievement of their youth savers, by awarding recipients a scholarship to assist them from 1st form up to 5th form. The objective of the PEP scholarship aims to fulfill their mandate of giving back to their members, to encourage children to strive for excellence in academic performance and to promote a thrifty savings habit amongst young Jamaicans.

Eligibility & Qualification

Applicants must be a Youth Saver at First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Ltd for at least six (6) months. Their savings account must be active and must submit their PEP transcript with a minimum ‘B’ average along with the completed scholarship application form.

Where Tenable: At any High School in Jamaica || Application form HERE

Deadline: July 17, 2020 || Telephone 876.929.5142 || Email: [email protected]

Jamaica Energy Partners (JEP) Group Scholarship for Secondary Level Students

Successful PEP awards applicant to the JEP scholarships must be children living within the parish of St Catherine, Western Kingston, Eastern Kingston and Port Royal where JEP Group Power Plants. Applicants must reside in the community for at least five (5) years with academic excellence and a financial need.

All applicants must not be recipient of any other scholarship programme. Applicants must be between the ages of 10 and 13 years old upon entry to the institution.

The Ministry of Education is responsible for selecting students to receive this PEP scholarship, which is based on students’ academic performance and location.

Where Tenable: Any local secondary institution or High School|| Application HERE

Deadline: August 21, 2020 || Telephone 876.937.7936/ 7915/ 7931 || Email: [email protected]

JN Foundation Scholarship

The JN Foundation PEP scholarships are awarded to students with the highest PEP average in each parish, who has not been a recipient of any other scholarship. Each academic year fourteen (14) PEP scholarships are awarded – one per parish.

The duration of the PEP scholarships will be for five (5) years – every year for the duration of the recipient’s high school attendance. The Ministry of Education will identify each parish recipients based on their exceptional PEP exam performances – top PEP students in each parish.

Where tenable: At any high school in Jamaica ||Course of Study: High School Diploma

Deadline: Following PEP results || Email: [email protected]

Universal Service Fund PEP Scholarship

The Universal Service Fund PEP scholarships in Jamaica are awarded to the top performing boy and girl from each parish in the annual PEP examination. Each PEP recipient will collect a cheque of J$40,000.

Course of study: High School Diploma at any high school in Jamaica || Value : J$40,000

The PEP award recipients will be selected based on the Ministry of Education’s listing of the top performing boy and girl in the PEP examination for each parish. A total of twenty-eight (28) scholarships will be awarded to two (2) students per parish.

The presentation of the PEP scholarships in Jamaica will be presented to awardees in August following the publication of the annual PEP results.

Email the USF: [email protected] || Telephone: 876.926.1727

VM Foundation Junior Plan ‘Heat-Start’ Scholarship and Bursary

The VM Junior Plan ‘Head-Start’ Scholarship and PEP Bursary are for students who have completed the PEP examination in the year of application and will be starting school that academic year.

The top PEP performing student in each county (3) is selected for the PEP ‘Heat-Start’ Scholarship valued at J$50,000 each, and the top performing students across all parishes will be chosen for a one-time PEP Bursary valued at J$50,000 per student.

All applicants must be an active VMBS Saver, they must complete a Junior Plan ‘HeadStart’ Scholarship and PEP Bursary application form. The applicants must also not be a recipient of any other scholarship in the given year.

Amount awarded: J$50,000 per annum for five (5) years for Junior Plan awards; J$50,000 for one-year PEP Bursaries.

Specialty area of study: Local Secondary Education ||Deadline: June 26, 2020

Number of Awards offered: Three (3) Junior Plan and fourteen (14) PEP Bursaries

Contact: Nicketa West, manager, VM Foundation || Email: [email protected] || Telephone: 876.754.8627

About the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Programme

The Ministry of Education, Youth & Information has introduced the Primary Exit Profile examination programme, which has replaced the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).

The Primary Exit Profile examination assess students’ knowledge, in addition to, placing increased emphasis on assessing students’ demonstration of the 21st century skills, for eg. critical thinking and communication.

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions which will provide additional information on the new assessment tool.

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Over J$15 Million in 2020 PEP Scholarships and Bursaries in Jamaica
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Over J$15 Million in 2020 PEP Scholarships and Bursaries in Jamaica
Get your share of J$15 Million in PEP Scholarships and bursaries that are available to PEP students entering secondary level education in Jamaica. Deadline varies

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