Praedial Larceny Essay and Poster Competitions Deadline Extended
DEADLINE EXTENDED: The Praedial Larceny Prevention Unit (PLPU) in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries is now accepting entries for its National Poster and Essay Competitions.
Praedial Larceny Prevention Coordinator, Trudy-Ann Edwards, said that the competitions “form part of the Ministry’s public education campaign aimed at sensitizing Jamaicans about the negative extent, nature and magnitude of praedial larceny”.
The competitions, which are targeted at students, will provide the opportunity for them to become more aware of the impact of praedial larceny and to propose solutions to combat the theft of agricultural produce in their respective parishes.
Primary-school students aged 9 to 12 are invited to submit entries for the poster competition while the essay component is open to 13- to 18-year-old students who are attending secondary school or are members of the Jamaica 4-H Clubs.
Application Deadline Extended: Wednesday, February 28, 2018
For the poster competition, students are required to create pictures depicting ways in which farmers can prevent the theft of their agricultural produce. For the essay competition, participating students are required to write an essay on the topic Praedial Larceny is Everybody’s Business.
What measures should be taken to combat the theft of agricultural produce in Jamaica? Miss Edwards said the essay must be an original work written in Standard English, and applicants are asked to submit the essay along with a completed application form and passport-size photograph.
Essays and posters must be submitted via email to [email protected] or mailed to Trudy-Ann Edwards, Praedial Larceny Prevention Coordinator, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hope Gardens, Kingston 6.
Deadline for submission is Wednesday, February 28, and winners will be announced in following selection of winners.
For further information persons may visit the Ministry’s website at or call 927-1731, extension 2228.
First published on the Jamaica Information Service website