student financing day

The inaugural Office of Student Financing Day was held on Thursday, March 30, 2017. The event was successful as we had over twenty-five (25) donors participating, setting up their booths and interacting with the students, telling them about their products and services as well as the awards that are offered.

The Office of Student Financing Day was conceptualized to sensitize stakeholders both on and off Campus of the Office as well as to give visibility to our donors who continuously contribute to the success of our students.

The special guest speaker was Mr. Leighton McKnight, CD, B.Sc, FCCA, FCA, Territory Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jamaica. His speech was extremely motivational and invoked a sense of optimism and pride in all who were present. Ms. Sharon Williams-Brown of the University Health Centre made a presentation on the services available at the Health Centre, which includes counselling and the Credit Union Fund Management Company Limited was pleased to make their first contribution to our Scholarship/Bursary programme.

Not all Office of Student Financing Day donors were at the event due to many factors but we are forever thankful to all. Donors present at the event were: NCB Foundation, GraceKennedy Foundation, Sagicor Foundation, Sampars Cash and Carry, Jamaica Money Market Brokers and the JMMB Foundation, JN Foundation, The UWI Bookshop, Credit Union Fund Management Company Limited, KPMG , UWI Development and Endowment Fund, West Indies Group of University Teachers (WIGUT), Mona Social Services, The UWI Sports Department, IGL, Student’s Loan Bureau, National Youth Service, Jamaica Values and Attitudes Programme (JAMVAT), Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies and Jamaica Police Co-operative Credit Union.

Special thank you to persons and entities that are not donors  to the Office of Student Financing Day but were also partners of the event: Colgate –Palmolive, Jamaica Biscuit Company, T. Geddes Grant, the UWI Dentistry students, the UWI Billings and Receivables and Alliance Payment Services Limited (E-PAY).

Source: UWI Office of Student Financing

The UWI Inaugural Office of Student Financing Day
Article Name
The UWI Inaugural Office of Student Financing Day
The inaugural UWI Office of Student Financing Day was held on Thursday, March 30, 2017. The event was successful as we had over twenty-five (25) donors participating by interacting with the students, telling them about their products and services as well as the awards that are offered.


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