THE need for more coastal engineers locally is one of the push factors that motivated Janielle Hay to apply for the Erasmus Mundus master’s scholarship opportunity.
THE need for more coastal engineers locally is one of the push factors that motivated Janielle Hay to apply for the Erasmus Mundus master’s scholarship opportunity.
Apply for the Marcus Garvey Public Sector Graduate Scholarship Programme - 30 graduate scholarships each year for the next five years to public sector workers.
Minister of Finance and the Public Service Dr Nigel Clarke today launched the Marcus Garvey Public Sector Graduate Scholarship Programme which will offer 30 graduate scholarships each year for the next five years for public sector employees.
185 applications have been submitted to the Secretariat overseeing the Government’s $1-billion Marcus Garvey Graduate Scholarship for Public Sector Employees.
A total of 185 applications have been submitted to the Secretariat overseeing the Government’s $1-billion Marcus Garvey Graduate Scholarship for Public Sector Employees.
Russell Barrett was awarded the 2020 Hon Oliver Clarke Graduate Scholarship from JN Group in celebrating the life and legacy of the late chairman
Russell Barrett of St Elizabeth, is the recipient of the 2020 Hon Oliver Clarke Graduate Scholarship, which was awarded to celebrate the life and legacy of the late chair of the board of directors of The Jamaica National Group, a media mogul and Jamaican business stalwart.
CCRIF Scholarships
Over J$19 Million (US$150K) in CCRIF Graduate and Undergraduate Scholarships are on offer to students for studies in the Caribbean, Canada, USA or UK.
Applications are now being accepted for master’s and doctoral scholarships at Central European University (CEU) through […]
2018 Schwarzman Scholars
ATHENS, Georgia — Jamaica’s Gabrielle Pierre is one of two students from the University of Georgia […]
Maastricht University
Maastricht University Holland High Potential Scholarships for International Students The Maastricht University in the Netherlands are […]
cave hill
Scholarship applications are normally considered by the Postgraduate Scholarship Committee in June each year.  Most scholarships […]
JTA Scholarships
JTA Credit Union Tertiary Scholarships JTA Members are invited to apply for Scholarships/Grants to be awarded […]
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