Television Jamaica is pleased to invite applications for the 2020 TVJ School’s Challenge Quiz Scholarship (SCQ). Application is open ONLY to student participants in the 2019 School’s Challenge Quiz Competition. Awardees will receive assistance that is valued at J$500K for three consecutive years. Deadline is August 14, 2020.
2020 TVJ SCQ Scholarship
Television Jamaica is pleased to invite applications for the 2020 TVJ School’s Challenge Quiz Scholarship – TVJ SCQ Scholarship!
The student who is awarded the TVJ SCQ Scholarship will get assistance that is valued at Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) each year for three years to assist in funding their tertiary education.
The total value of this annual scholarship at the end of three years is One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00). The funds in the scholarship are earmarked to assist in offsetting fees and books where possible.
The Schools’ Challenge Quiz scholarship money will not be disbursed directly to the student. The student to be awarded the scholarship will be selected by TVJ.
The Eligibility for the TVJ’s SCQ Scholarship
To be eligible for this SCQ scholarship, the student must complete the Television Jamaica Schools’ Challenge Quiz application form and submit it to TVJ by August 14, 2020.
Applications will be accepted by post at – “TVJ Scholarship 2020”, 32 Lyndhurst Road, Kingston 5, or by email at – [email protected]. Scholarship applications can be hand delivered at TVJ.
Applications received after August 14, 2020 will not be considered.
The 2020 TVJ School’s Challenge Quiz Scholarship application form is attached to this correspondence and is also available for download from www.televisionjamaica.com.
Who can apply:
To be eligible to apply for the SCQ scholarship, the student must have been a sitting player in the 2019 season of TVJ’s Schools’ Challenge Quiz.
Matriculation in Jamaica
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship the student should have an acceptance offer from a tertiary institution in Jamaica to commence classes in September 2020. (If you have received provisional acceptance, kindly indicate said on application form. Full acceptance letter should be supplied as soon as possible.)
700 word essay
To be considered for this scholarship student should submit an essay not exceeding 700 words on the topic: “In what ways has TVJ’s Schools’ Challenge Quiz helped you to be a better Jamaican?
TVJ Internship
The recipient of the SCQ Scholarship will be offered a two-weeks internship at TVJ during the summer holidays.
Maintain grades
The recipient of the TVJ Schools’ Challenge Quiz Scholarship will be required to maintain a minimum GPA average of 3.0. Failure to maintain this average could result in the loss of the scholarship.
If student repeat any course of their programme, they will be required to pay their own tuition fee. If they fail, the scholarship will be withdrawn.
Scholarship may be terminated if student changes course of study without prior approval from TVJ.
Two teachers at the school are required to endorse the student’s application for the scholarship.
READ: How to Provide Proof of Scholarship Financial Need in Jamaica?
More About the TVJ School’s Challenge Quiz Series
Schools’ Challenge QuizTV Series | TV-G | 30 min. | Educational, Game-Show
In 2019 Schools Challenge Quiz (SCQ) celebrates its 50th season! This is a massive feat for any programme and an enduring test of its popularity, necessity and the dedication of the many people behind it to make sure it has lasted so long.
What began as an idea, is now a programme in its own right. It is anticipated as an educational and entertainment programme highlight every year, testing secondary school academic prowess in the Jamaica.
READ: IUC Scholarships: Are you a Student of the International University of the Caribbean? Apply!
SCQ fosters school pride, team building, dedication and tenacity, with key watch words of Knowledge, Integrity and Sportsmanship at its helm. Schools Challenge Quiz has become an integral part of our Jamaican culture.
In its 50 seasons 14 schools have won the coveted trophy. Notable wins over the years have included St Hugh’s High being the first and only girls school to win, Kingston College standing out with 11 wins, Ardenne High and Munro College walking away with 6 wins, Wolmers Boys and Calabar 5 wins with the latter being the first school to win three consecutive years and St. Jago and Glenmuir holding the title four times.
The “Quiz Alumni “is strong and they come from the length and breadth of Jamaica. Many participants have gone on to achieve outstanding success and inevitably contribute significantly to their field of study and the wider community. This too, reflects as an undeniable testament to the accomplishments and longevity of the programme.
Schools Challenge Quiz is excellent family viewing: it is further evidence of what is good and great about Jamaica. Television Jamaica is proud to be part of this rich, enduring legacy and we are dedicated to its continuation in the years to come.

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