uwi scholarships

UWI Scholarships and Bursaries

The University of the West Indies – UWI scholarships and bursaries are mainly offered through the UWI Office of Student Financing (OSF). Enrolled students and prospective students are provided with UWI financial aid information regarding the programmes of financial assistance that are available at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies.

The UWI Administration is aware of the financial difficulties facing many students and with the help of various public-spirited organizations and individuals, the Office of Student Financing has endeavored to provide UWI bursaries, which can be of assistance to students in situations of severe hardships and emergency.

The Office of Student Financing exists to assist registered students with Scholarships who are experiencing these situations and administer a number of programmes of financial assistance to ensure that student’s needs can be met. In addition, the Office provides various forms of financial assistance-related information to students which range from advising students on UWI scholarships and bursaries to the provision of formal guidance sessions to students groups on financial planning and management while on Campus.

General Scholarships Opportunity

 Financial Aid by faculties

Scholarship Guidelines

  • The deadline date to apply for all UWI scholarships (unless otherwise stated) is MAY 31.
  • In order to be considered for any award, a GPA of at least 3.0 (B avg) is expected. Some awards may require a higher GPA.
  • The awards are available to full-time undergraduate students of the University of the West Indies.
  • The required status as indicated on each term of award is as at the next academic period.
  • You must complete one application form. Please list the awards for which you wish to be considered in order of preference.
  • The completed application form should be submitted to the Office of Student Financing, UWI, Mona Campus.

Obtain all UWI Scholarships application forms by Downloading the application form⇓. The application process is simple and further information can be obtained by clicking How to Apply

Please visit this UWI Scholarships webpage frequently, as updates will be done periodically.

UWI Part-Time Scholarships

Additional UWI Scholarships and Awards (Not administrated by the Office of Student Financing)

These UWI Scholarships are NOT directly administered by the Office of Student Financing. For the awards listed below, the application process and additional details may be obtained from the respective Donor organization including their website. 

UWI Open Scholarship– DEADLINE April 30

Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commision Education Grant DEADLINE July 12

Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship 

The Annual Sagicor Foundation 

NCB Foundation DEADLINE not yet decided.  Applications open Mid May

Carreras Scholarship

GraceKennedy Foundation; Deadline -July 15

Hardat Sukhdeo Scholarship

UWI Township Scholarship

Sydney A Phillips Scholarship DEADLINE June 12 for STUDENTS FROM ST. MARY

Jamaica Flour Mills Scholarship 

Douglas Samuels Memorial Scholarship 

UWI Regional Endowment  Fund Scholarships

OAS Scholarships

Wolmer’s Alumni Association Toronto Scholarship Program 

Toptal Scholarship for Women

Insurance Association of the Caribbean Scholarship

AIS Education Scholarship 

Dr Pamela DaCamara and Dr Karl Massiah Scholarship

Indies Pharma Jamaica Limited Medical Scholarship 

Three UWI Florida Chapter Student Scholarhips – DEADLINE March 31

Dr Tulsi Dyal Singh Scholarship in Sport

Mission for Health (M4H) Dental Scholarship – DEADLINE March 31

PATH Bursary

Through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) awards bursaries to students from PATH households who are currently enrolled in a tertiary institution. The process to apply for the bursaries is as follows:

The PATH is advertised to all UWI students through the Banner system and on the Office of Student Financing website. First to fourth year students should submit their application to the Office of Student Financing.

The application form is available on the Office of Student Financingwebsite for the entire year however the completed form will only be collected by the Office of Student Financing staff August to September each year unless otherwise directed by the Ministry of Labour.

Only students with a 2.50 Grade Point Average (G.P.A.)  or higher are eligible to apply. The form must be properly completed to include the Family number and date of birth of each student.


ministry of education

Click here for UWI Scholarships application form

Review and Apply for your UWI Scholarships and Bursaries
Article Name
Review and Apply for your UWI Scholarships and Bursaries
The UWI Mona campus has the best UWI scholarships that are available to new and returning students in all school faculties. Read and apply!
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