UWI St Augustine CampusUWI St. Augustine Campus Scholarships and Bursaries

The UWI St. Augustine Campus Financial Advisory Services Department is pleased to announce the availability of Scholarships and Bursaries for the 2017/2018 academic year to ALL STUDENTS at the St. Augustine Campus of The University of the West Indies.

Please read the application guidelines carefully before completing. Incomplete applications will not be acknowledged or processed. The deadline for submission of applications is May 31, 2017 (Continuing Students) and September 30, 2017 ( New/First Year Students).

Students with Financial Need should refer to the supporting documents section when applying for a scholarship/bursary. ALL students should also refer to the supporting documents section if they are involved in Extra-Curricular &/or Co-curricular activities. 

Also take a look at other available Scholarships and Bursaries. Please note that deadlines and requirements vary. You can also explore other forms of Financial Assistance available to students.

Scholarship and Bursary Applications

 Please read the information carefully under the Guidelines tab to ensure you are eligible to apply for the following:

UWI ACADEMIC & CO-CURRICULAR BURSARIES – 2017/2018: Opens January 15th – February 28th 2017 and are available to all students enrolled at the UWI-ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS Click here to apply

ALL OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES – 2017/2018 – CONTINUING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: The Department for Financial Advisory Services is pleased to invite online applications for Scholarships and Bursaries for the 2017 – 2018 academic year:- From January 15th – MAY 31st 2017 from all qualified students enrolled at the UWI-ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS. Click here to apply

FIRST YEAR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: The Department for Financial Advisory Services is pleased to invite online applications for Scholarships and Bursaries for the 2017 – 2018 academic year. Scholarships and bursaries applications are accepted from September 1st – September 30th 2017 – This is open to students registered for FULL-TIME entry at the UWI-ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS.

Each student applicant will only be able to submit ONE APPLICATION. Incomplete, Unsuitable applications and/or multiple applications will not be acknowledged or processed. Click here to apply

All Scholarships and Bursaries

The following link is a booklet containing those Undergraduate Scholarships & Bursaries that are available to students of the UWI ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS. These are administered by the Campus Committee for Undergraduate Awards (CCUA). Students are invited to submit ONE general application for a scholarship/bursary.

While students cannot apply for specific awards, each online application is considered by the CCUA which allots awards according to a myriad of pre-existing, donor-specific criteria. The CCUA, at its annual meetings would review all applications and nominate awardees based on the best alignment between their qualifications and donor-specific criteria.

*NOTE: All scholarships and bursaries are subject to availability of funds, and details given here are subject to change at any time. Potential applicants are urged to check information regularly to ensure they are aware of requirements, deadlines etc.

Download a copy of the UWI St. Augustine Campus Scholarships and Bursaries Booklet Here!

Notifications of Results

Notification of awards will be communicated as follows:

Continuing Students: August – November 2017
First Year/New Students: October – November 2017

Successful applicants will be notified by phone &/or email only when a decision is taken and background checks have been completed.

Successful applicants who accept additional monetary awards will be required to declare those awards to the Department of Financial Advisory Services. Failure to do so will be deemed as intentional dishonesty and penalties will apply.  See Guidelines.

Attempts will be made to notify unsuccessful applicants by email according to the availability of resources. Such notifications are likely to be conducted from November 2017.


UWI St. Augustine Campus Scholarships and Bursaries
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UWI St. Augustine Campus Scholarships and Bursaries
UWI St. Augustine Campus has millions in Scholarships and Bursaries for qualified new and returning students of the University of the West Indies
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