winning scholarships

winning scholarships banner10 Tips on Winning Scholarships

Suppose you had all the best secrets to winning scholarships in Jamaica? Would you tell your friends and families — or keep them for yourself? As the leading local scholarship expert who boast the largest group of scholarship researchers, we are best suited to share the ten (10) best strategies on winning scholarships for the coming 2016/2017 scholarship application season. 

The ScholarshipJamaica Team has provided the top 10 tips on winning scholarships:

  1. START NOW: Start searching for scholarships as soon as possible. Don’t wait until spring of your senior year in high school to start searching, or you’ll miss half the deadlines. There are many scholarships available to students in grades 9, 10 and 11, not just high school seniors. There are even scholarships for students in primary school. Continue searching for scholarships even after you are enrolled in college – a matter of fact this is the time you will be most equipped to take advantage of all the tuition assistance program available to you at college.

  2. REVIEW ALL: Review all the scholarships for general applicants, for your faculty on, on your school’s website and definitely make sure to review the hard copy scholarships available at the student services department. You can’t afford to miss out on an opportunity because you were too lazy to visit the office in person and review or ask for the scholarship file. I did!

  3. SCHOLARSHIP DATABASE SERVICE: Use a free scholarship matching service like The ScholarshipJamaica database is updated daily, and the site will email you notifications of new scholarships that match your personal background profile and also other tips on winning scholarships.

  4. LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS: Look for local scholarships on bulletin boards near the guidance counselor of financial aid offices, or the library’s jobs and careers section. Additionally, look local in your community from your church, sports club and community business who may or may have thought about offer small grants to community students. don’t be afraid, ask about the scholarships that they offer. Do this and you would be on your way to master the art of winning scholarships.

  5. APPLY APPLY APPLY: Use the three ‘A’s and apply to every scholarship for which you are eligible. Pursue less competitive scholarships, such as small awards and essay contests, since they are easier to win and the money adds up and helps you win bigger scholarships. as the saying goes “one one cocoa full basket”.

  6. DEADLINES: Don’t miss the scholarship application deadlines. Use a calendar and checklist to get organized. this is the most important part of winning scholarships, always submit your application before the deadline, the earlier -the better. 

  7. PERSONALIZE: Tailor your scholarship application and essay to the sponsor’s or donor’s goals. Read and follow the instructions carefully. research the donor just as with a job interview so that you will be empowered with knowledge of the donor and their cause and be able to effectively address any questions ask of you. Personalize your essay and be passionate. Write about something of interest to you. Make your application stand out from the crowd. Talk about your impact on other people. Give examples and be specific.

  8. CREATE AN OUTLINE: If you have difficulty writing essays, try recording yourself as you answer the question out loud, and transcribe the recording later. Most people can think and speak faster than they can write or type. Create an outline afterward to organize your thoughts.

  9. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: Google your name and make sure you have a professional online profile. Use a professional email address, such as [email protected]. Clean up the content of your Facebook account, removing inappropriate and immature material.

  10. GRAMMAR: Proofread a printed copy of your essay and the application for spelling and grammar errors. Make a photocopy of your application before mailing it. Send the application by certified mail, return receipt requested or with delivery confirmation.

For additional information on winning scholarships in Jamaica or as an international student, feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to assist you!


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