The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship was formed in 1977 as a joint effort by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries and has opened the door to the actuarial profession for hundreds of minority students. In 2008, this scholarship program was transferred to The Actuarial Foundation to further strengthen, increase and assure the continuation of a diverse, high-quality actuarial candidate pool.
We wish to thank our most generous corporate sponsors for their continued support in encouraging students in their academic pursuits on the path to becoming an actuary.
The Actuarial Foundation ensures the future of the actuarial profession through its scholarships and reimbursement programs. Recipients of Foundation scholarships are selected by representatives of the actuarial profession, who may one day be their peers. So, not only are these scholarships a means to offset the cost of education, they also serve as a prestigious recognition by a highly rated profession.
All Actuarial Diversity Scholarship Opportunities
The Application Period will begin November 1. You may begin updating your General Application at that time in order to be considered for the 2018-2019 award cycle.
The Actuarial Foundation reserves the right to change or discontinue any of the noted scholarship programs at any time and without notice. Award recipients are selected at the sole discretion of the selection committee for that particular scholarship.
Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
- $1,000 – high school senior applying for freshman year;
- $2,000 – for sophomore year; $3,000 – for junior year;
- $4,000 – for senior year;
- Scholarship Awards Will Be Announced on June 1, 2018.
- Varies from $3,000 – $5,000
- Award value $2000
- Scholarship Awards Will Be Announced on June 1
- Award value $9,000
- Scholarship Awards Will Be Announced on August 1
Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship
- $2,000 – student entering second year of studies;
- $3,000 – student entering third year of studies;
- Scholarship Awards Will Be Announced on August 17
An overview of The Actuarial Foundation
The Actuarial Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, is the philanthropic organization for the actuarial industry in the United States. Since 1994, the Foundation has promoted lifelong math education and financial literacy through its learning resources and scholarships. The mission of the Foundation is to enhance math education and financial literacy through the talents and resources of actuaries. The Foundation’s vision is an educated public in pursuit of a secure financial future.
The Actuarial Foundation is a joint effort
Since 2004, The Actuarial Foundation has received unwavering support from the U.S. actuarial organizations. Their trust and dedication to the Foundation’s mission are key elements to our continued growth and success as the philanthropy for actuaries in the United States.
Modeling the Future Challenge
Successful submissions to the MTF will provide findings supported by mathematical computations. By completing the MTF, students will learn how mathematics applies to cutting-edge industries and technologies. They will also learn more about highly sought-after careers as actuaries and other math-related professional opportunities.
Click here to learn more and participate in the Modeling the Future Challenge.
- High school students enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade for the Fall 2017 – Spring 2018 school year (or the equivalent in an informal or home-schooled educational program) in the United States or its territories are eligible for the Modeling the Future Challenge. Students can be in any type of schooling; formal, informal, home-schooled, etc.
- Submissions may be the work of 1 to 3 students.
- Each student or team of students submitting to the challenge must have an adult “coach” noted on the submission. Coaches can be any adult, 18+ years old.

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