The Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of . Virtue by their son-in-law, S. Michael McLaughlin, FSA, MAAA, an actuary who graduated from UWI. The scholarship is intended to be an annual award to University of the West Indies (UWI) actuarial student(s) who demonstrate a strong record of accomplishment, leadership qualities and commitment to becoming an actuary.
Take advantage of this Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship for Caribbean national students enrolled and registered as a full time undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science and Technology pursuing a degree in Actuarial Science and entering the second or third year.
Deadline: July 17, 2018
Number of Award(s): Two (2)
Value: USD $2000 – $3000
Maximum Tenure: One (1) Year
Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship Qualification
Qualifications for the annual Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship include:
• Must be an undergraduate student entering their second or third year at the University of the West Indies
• Must be enrolled in UWI’s actuarial science program
• Must hold a minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent
- This Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship opportunity is provided by the Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship programme by the Actuarial Foundation for students at the University of the West Indies. This Actuarial Science scholarship opportunity at the University of the West Indies is available ONLY to Caribbean nationals who have successfully entering their second and third year of studies.
- The actuarial scholarship award is USD$2,000 for student entering second year of studies; USD$3,000 for student entering their third year of studies. The Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship awards deadline is July 17th and the winners will be announced on August 17 annually.
Caribbean Actuarial Scholarship Supplemental Information
- Have you received other funding (U.S. or Jamaican dollars) to help with your university expenses?
- If yes, please describe:
- Are you enrolled in the UWI Actuarial Science Program?
- If yes, is this your first or second year in the program?
Please include a one or two page personal essay to include responses to the following; Why do you want to be an actuary; what are the qualifications and abilities that have helped you succeed in college and will help you succeed in an actuarial career; what extracurricular activities have you enjoyed most; have you participated in or had any leadership roles and how will these experiences help you in your career and your life in general
Please list the name and email address of a professor (preferred) or advisor who will provide a letter of recommendation supporting your academic achievement, leadership, and communication skills. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR LETTER MUST BE SIGNED.
Please list the name and email address of an individual that will provide a personal letter of reference on your behalf. (Please do not use a family member or close family friend. This person can be a employer, a coach, clergy or community member). PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR LETTER MUST BE SIGNED.
The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship was formed in 1977 as a joint effort by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries and has opened the door to the actuarial profession for hundreds of minority students. In 2008, this scholarship program was transferred to The Actuarial Foundation to further strengthen, increase and assure the continuation of a diverse, high-quality actuarial candidate pool.
We wish to thank our most generous corporate sponsors for their continued support in encouraging students in their academic pursuits on the path to becoming an actuary.
The Actuarial Foundation ensures the future of the actuarial profession through its scholarships and reimbursement programs. Recipients of Foundation scholarships are selected by representatives of the actuarial profession, who may one day be their peers. So, not only are these scholarships a means to offset the cost of education, they also serve as a prestigious recognition by a highly rated profession.
The Office of Student Financing (OSF) exists to assist registered full-time undergraduate students of the Mona Campus. The Office administers a number of scholarships, bursaries and grants as well as other forms of financial assistance.
Many scholarships and bursaries are awarded on the basis of academic performance however, there are numerous awards that are reserved for students who are pursuing a particular field of study, demonstrate financial need, leadership qualities and are actively involved in co-curricular activities. The OSF also seeks to provide general financial assistance to students who demonstrate financial need especially as it relates to their daily maintenance cost.