Al Webb Foundation Scholarships

The Al Webb Foundation Scholarship is an annual single scholarship award open to students of the University of the West Indies , Mona Campus. The Al Webb Foundation Scholarship covers the scholarship awardee’s full tuition and last for one year. The deadline for this scholarship opportunity will be July, 15, 2017.

The Al Webb annual scholarship application form can be download HERE.

Al Webb Foundation Scholarship Eligibility

The Al Webb Foundation Scholarship award is available to Jamaican Nationals who are registered, full time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. Applicants must be pursuing studies in Economics, Political Sciences, Entrepreneurship or Management Studies and entering second year.


The Al Webb Foundation Scholarship award will be based on academic performance based on the results of the previous year University examinations (minimum GPA of 3.0). Students must also demonstrate leadership qualities and indicate a commitment towards Jamaica’s social, political and economic development.

Shortlisted candidates shall be interviewed by a panel comprising personnel from the University and the Donor organization.

Preparing for a Scholarship Interview

In order to access a scholarship many donors require an interview with the students where they have face to face dialogue.  This is very important as it allows each student an opportunity to express their individuality and to share other pertinent information which was not captured on the application form. More importantly, it gives the donor and interviewing panel the opportunity to interact with the student in order to determine their suitability for the award.

A successful interview requires students to:

  • be on time
  • be prepared
  • be truthful
  • be neatly and professionally dressed

Be on time

Give yourself adequate time to arrive at the interview allowing for emergencies such as traffic issues and accidents.  If you will be unavoidable late call and advise the persons with whom you communicated about the interview.

Be prepared

Ensure that you do research about the donor and know the name of the Scholarship that you will be interviewed for before the day of the interview.  Think about possible interview questions and explore your life for the best ways to respond (the internet has many interview questions which could assist).  Think about questions that you may ask the interviewer or the panel so that you may pose them when presented with the opportunity.

Be truthful 

Always be truthful in your responses as it is a genuine turnoff for donors when they recognise that persons are not truthful in their scholarship interviews (regardless of the reason).  It can be the sole deciding factor that prevents a student from being offered an award.

Be neatly and professionally dressed

Ensure that your attire is neat and professional, females should not have hair covering their face, neither should their dress nor skirt be shorter than knee length, stockings are not necessary and fishnet stockings are most inappropriate.  Dress pants and a button front shirt are generally accepted for males.

Always contact the Office of Student Financing(OSF) for further tips if you are unsure of what is required.

Article Name
Al Webb Foundation Scholarship
Apply for the Al Webb Foundation Scholarship at the University of the West Indies that covers your full tuition and a deadline of July 15.


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