Jamaica Law scholarships in Jamaica for 2022 are valued at over $50 million and are now accepting applications from qualified law students
law school scholarships

The best law school scholarships in Jamaica for 2022 are valued at over $50 million and are now accepting applications from qualified law students.

The Best Law School Scholarships in Jamaica

The best law school scholarships in Jamaica are available to all qualified applicants in this article and on our website at https://scholarshipjamaica.com/. The law school scholarships listed in this article are opened between February 1 and July 29, 2022 of each year, so apply early.

Whether you are studying law at undergraduate level, graduate level, or just want to know the types of funding available for law school scholarships in Jamaica before applying to study law, you have come to the right place!

Law school enrollment is at its highest levels in Jamaica for the last two decades according sources at the University of the West Indies Law faculty and the Law school at the University of Technology. With this increase plus online enrollment in UK’s top Law schools such as the University of London has drastically increased the demand and competitiveness of alternative financial aid opportunities in scholarships, grants and bursaries in Jamaica.

Luckily, our research team at ScholarshipJamaica.com has welcomed the news of several NEW law school scholarships available for the 2022 academic year. These scholarships are listed below. It will be obvious that most if not all these scholarships are attainable at the University of the West Indies. This is just evidence of their ability to crowd fund and attract scholarship donors in the form of Alma Mata, corporate Jamaica, international not-for-profits and the institution investing in their students.

This is not an endorsement of the institution, but rather an acknowledgement of major scholarship donors regionally.

Entry Requirements for Undergraduate Programme

For most LLB programs, prospective candidates must possess a minimum of five (5) CXCs, including two (2) 2-Unit CAPE subjects; or a First Degree with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 and above.

Please note there are NO special subject requirements in addition to those necessary for Matriculation. The competition for places in the Faculty is such that very high ‘A’ level grades and very high averages in undergraduate degrees are required for an applicant to stand a reasonable chance of gaining admission.

Our List of 2022/2023 Best Law School Scholarships

Take a look below at the selection of best law school scholarships and grants currently available to law students in Jamaica and the Caribbean, and click the links to find out more.

Best Law School Scholarships in Jamaica for 2022
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Best Law School Scholarships in Jamaica for 2022
The best law school scholarships in Jamaica for 2022 are valued at over $50 million and are now accepting applications from qualified law students

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