The Burger King Jamaica National Scholarship Programme for primary, secondary and tertiary students. All applications will be closed July 23, 2021. Tertiary scholarships are open to ALL LOCAL University or College!
The Restaurant Associates Limited of Jamaica, through its Burger King brand awards millions of dollars annually in scholarships and bursaries to needy primary, secondary and tertiary students.
This year, a special PEP bursary category was designed for children of essential workers including police officers, nurses, security guards, registered bus and taxi operators.
Additionally, tertiary students of the following local universities will be qualified for the Burger King National Scholarships for tertiary students. The following secondary schools and universities’ students are qualified:
St. George’s College, St. Andrew High School for Girls, all upper 6th form students across Jamaica, students of the Edna Manley School of the Visual and Performing Arts and students of the above secondary schools attending ANY local Community College or University.
Burger King National PEP Scholarships and Bursaries
BK Jamaica PEP Scholarships and Book Grant
The Essential Workers Scholarships (PEP Kids) are open to the children of the following categories of essential workers: police, nurses, security guards, registered bus/taxi operators.
Burger King Essential Workers Scholarships (PEP Kids)
The PEP Scholarships are open to Grade 6 students across Jamaica who will be attending high school in September 2021. PEP Book Grants are offered to the runner up applicants for the PEP Scholarships.
PEP Grade 6 Scholarship Criteria
Applicants of the BK Jamaica PEP grade 6 bursaries must be involved in at least 2 extra-curricular or community activities. Each applicant must provide certified copies of two term reports from the Grade 6 academic year.
Finally, applicants must have at least an 85% or B+ average to be qualified.
List of Tertiary Scholarships
The Burger King National Scholarships for tertiary students attending any local college or university can apply for the following scholarship programmes.
The Rodwell Lake Scholarship (open to upper 6th form students of St. George’s College)
The Lois Sherwood Scholarship (open to upper 6th form students of St. Andrew High School for Girls)
The Burger King Open Scholarship (open to all upper 6th form students across Jamaica.)
The Lois Sherwood Arts Scholarship (open to final year students at the Edna Manley School of the Visual and Performing Arts)
Burger King National Tertiary Scholarship Criteria
Successful BK Jamaica Scholarships applicant of the Burger King Jamaica National Scholarships must be accepted to a recognized tertiary institution in Jamaica for September 2021.
Each applicant must provide copies of their CAPE and/or CSEC results with at least an 85% or B+ average.
The student must also submit an essay not exceeding 500 words outlining why they should be awarded the scholarship.

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