The Diploma in Education Scholarships 2017/2018
By The Ministry of Education/Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission
The following is the Diploma in Education Scholarships that will be administered by the Tertiary Unit of the Ministry of Education for the 2017/2018 academic year. The Awards are offered to Teachers/Students desirous of pursuing higher education.
To view other scholarships from the Ministry of Education and for other Scholarships, download and read their Scholarship Bulletin for 2017/2018.
General Information
Applicants for the diploma in education scholarships should be graduates of accredited Universities. Kindly enclose evidence of qualification. Each candidate should complete TWO (2) COPIES of this form, either typewritten or legibly written in ink, and return to the Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission, 14 Gibraltar Camp Way, Mona Campus UWI, Kingston 7, NO LATER THAN APRIL 28, 2017
Each diploma in education scholarships applicant should apply directly to the University of the West Indies for admission. A letter of acceptance from the University may be submitted after the application’s due date.
Supporting Documents
Student applicants should ensure that the following documents are submitted with the completed application form that can be downloaded here:
- Certified copy of Transcript & Degree
- A letter of admission from U.W.I.
- Study Leave letter where applicable
- Referee Reports ( 1 Academic and 1 Professional)

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