Scholarship Deadline: August 25, 2017
Number of Award(s): One (1)
Maximum Tenure: One (1) Year
Jamaica Police Co-operative Credit Union Scholarship
The Jamaica Police Co-operative Credit Union Scholarship will be based on outstanding academic record, demonstrable financial need and demonstrable community involvement and leadership qualities.
Selection of the student will be made by a Committee of evaluators from the UWI and should include the Donor, in accordance with the Jamaica Police Co-operative Credit Union Scholarship criteria outlined in the Schedule which shall be read as one with the Agreement.
The successful candidate shall not be the holder or recipient of any other scholarship covering tuition costs.
How To Apply
Download the application form here. Complete and return to the Office of Student Financing by the stipulated deadline. Jamaica Police Co-operative Credit Union Scholarship will be based on:
- High academic performance (at least a GPA of 3.0);
- Strong leadership qualities;
- Verifiable financial need.
- Performance at Interview
The applicant should only apply for scholarships/bursaries for which the prescribed criteria are met as indicated on each terms of award.
The required status as indicated on each term of award is as at the academic year 2017/2018. For example, if the criteria states “must be in level II”, the applicant is expected to be enrolled in level II in the 2017/2018 academic year.
Students must complete (LEGIBLY), one application form. Please list the awards for which you wish to be considered in order of preference. The completed application form should be submitted to the Office of Student Financing, UWI, Mona Campus.

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