JNCASR-CICS Fellowship programme

JNCASR-CICS FellowshipJNCASR-CICS Fellowship Programme for Developing Countries in India, 2017

Applications are invited for JNCASR-CICS Fellowship Programme to encourage mobility of scientists from developing countries. The Fellowship provides an opportunity for young scientists, teachers and researchers from the developing countries (other than India) to undertake research studies in India.

This fellowship programme is jointly instituted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Bangalore and the Centre for International Co-operation in Science(CICS), Chennai to encourage mobility of scientists from developing countries.

CICS (formerly CCSTDS) is a Registered Society, functioning under the patronage of President, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi and Chairman, Governing Council, CICS. The Centre is mandated to promote S & T co-operation for the mutual benefit of the scientists of developing countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Arab regions

Course Level: Fellowships are available to undertake research studies (short-term, participatory research) in India.

Study Subject(s): Fellowships are awarded in all major disciplines of science and technology including engineering and medical sciences at the Indian Centres of Excellence.

Scholarship Award: The Fellowship Applications will be scrutinized during November/December every year by a selection committee. The Fellowship covers return airfare from place of work in their home country to place of work in India, boarding and lodging at the affiliated institution/s, and an adequate allowance in Indian currency to cover incidental expenses. The CICS will facilitate the issuance of visa to the awardees. The awardees are allowed to choose the fellowship period mutually convenient to them and the host institute.

Scholarship can be taken in India

Eligibility: Applicant must be a scientist, teacher or a research scholar affiliated to a scientific or academic institution in a developing country in Asia (other than India), Africa, Latin America and Arab region. Applicant (other than Indian) possessing Doctorate or Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent degree in Engineering/ Medicine and allied disciplines, below 45 years of age affiliated to a scientific or academic institution in a developing country (Other than India).

Nationality: Citizens of developing countries (other than India) Afghanistan, Gambia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, The Guinea, Myanmar, Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Niger, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Cambodia, Korea, Dem Rep., Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Liberia, Tajikistan, Comoros, Madagascar, Tanzania, Malawi, Togo, Congo, Dem. Rep, Eritrea, Mali, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Albania, Indonesia, Samoa, Armenia, Sao Tome and Principe, Belize, Iraq, Senegal, Bhutan, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Bolivia, Kosovo, South Sudan, Cameroon, Laos, Sri Lanka, Cape Verde, Lesotho, Sudan, Congo, Rep., Marshall Islands, Swaziland, Ivory Coast, Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia, Syrian Arab Republic, Djibouti, Moldova, Timor-Leste, Egypt, Arab Rep., Mongolia, Tonga, El Salvador, Morocco, Ukraine, Fiji, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Nigeria, Vanuatu, Ghana, Pakistan, Vietnam, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Guyana, Paraguay, Yemen, Rep., Honduras, Philippines, Zambia, Angola, Ecuador, Palau, Algeria, Gabon, Panama, American Samoa, Grenada, Peru, Antigua and Barbuda, Iran, Islamic Rep., Romania, Argentina, Jamaica, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Serbia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, South Africa, Botswana, Lebanon, St. Lucia, Brazil, Libya, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Suriname, Chile, Macedonia, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Tunisia, Colombia, Maldives, Turkey, Costa Rica, Mauritius, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Mexico, Tuvalu, Dominica, Montenegro and Uruguay) are eligible for this fellowship.

How to Apply: Completed application should be submitted by post. List of enclosures to accompany the application:-

  • A detailed curriculum vitae containing the date of birth & age, applicant’s research interest and experience, publications (only those in referred journals), present position, scientific affiliations, awards and scholarships etc.
  • A detailed write-up describing the proposed research work.
  • Two passport size photographs
  • Copy of degree certificate for highest qualification
  • A letter of consent from Parent Institution
  • Applications should be forwarded by an appropriate authority.
  • Applicants should possess a valid passport.
  • Selected candidates must obtain permission/leave from their parent institutions.
  • Selected candidates must obtain Indian visa for the proposed period of work upon advice from CICS.

Application Form

Scholarship Application Deadline: The last date for receipt of the applications is 31st October every year.

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