OAS Scholarship Opportunity
Apply for the 2018 OAS scholarship offered by the Ministry of Finance and Planning as an international scholarship opportunity. Applications are invited from interested persons wishing to pursue studies leading to a Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral degree in any of the following countries commencing January 2018 through to December 2018: Caribbean countries (except Jamaica), Latin American Countries, USA and Canada.
The Organisation of American States (OAS) are now open for application with an immediate deadline of this Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 3:00PM. All applications presented after the deadline will not be considered by the MOFP.
OAS Scholarship Disciplines
The Organization of American states (OAS scholarship) has established certain priority areas from which interested persons may select their proposed field of study:
- Culture and Education
- Social Development and Creation of Productive Employment
- Economic Diversification and integration, Trade Liberalization and Market Access
- Scientific Development and Exchange and Transfer of Technology
- Strengthening of Democratic Institutions
- Sustainable Development of Tourism
- Sustainable Development and the Environment
Candidates should:
- Be citizens or permanent residents of Jamaica
- Possess the educational background and, if required, professional experience to be accepted into the requested academic programme
- Possess language proficiency to undertake studies in the country of study
- Submit medical certificate attesting to good health
- Submit complete Recommendation forms –Employer, Professor (Each referee is to complete & sign 3 original forms)
- Submit certified copy of highest diploma ,degree obtained
- Submit official relevant transcript from previous/current institution
- Submit Admission Letter (if Self-placed)
- Submit Resume
- Be endorsed by the national Liaison Office (ONE) i.e. The Scholarship and Assistance Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and the Public Service
- Take and pass admission tests with satisfactory scores, if required by the academic institution they wish to attend, by the deadline set by the OAS scholarship program upon the award of the scholarship
Benefits of the OAS Scholarship
The OAS Scholarship Provides :
- Round trip Ticket (if Applicable)
- Tuition and fees
- A yearly book allowance
- Health Insurance
- Monthly subsistence
Application Procedure
- The OAS Scholarship Application form is an electronic form which must be completed online and submitted to OAS scholarship database:
- Graduate Scholarship: http://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/regular_program_2016.asp
- Undergraduate Scholarship: http://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/specaf_2016.asp
- In the event candidates experience difficulties filling out or sending this application electronically, they may send an email to: [email protected]
Required Forms to complete the OAS Scholarship application:
Please note that several changes have been introduced to the requirements procedures. All information related to the scholarship and application process can be found by visiting the OAS Scholarship website www.oas.org/scholarships They must be completed electronically or in typed format, signed, dated, scanned and attached to your on-line application form.
After completing the form, please print and sign the copies that are to be submitted to the address below:
Scholarships and Assistance
Unit Ministry of Finance and Planning, 1st Floor, Block “G”
30 National Heroes Circle, Kingston 4
Telephone 922-8600-12 Fax:932-5013
Email: [email protected]
MARCH 1, 2017 AT 3:00PM