UCC Scholarships

UCC Scholarships student applicants on campus at the University College of the Caribbean

UCC Scholarships

UCC scholarships are offered through the PATH Programme managed by the Government of Jamaica, foundations, and private and public sector agencies in Jamaica and overseas.

The UCC provides several scholarship opportunities for eligible students based on need, academic records and extra-curricular activities. UCC scholarships application  criteria includes school and community involvement, volunteer activities and leadership positions held in school and within your communities.

General UCC Scholarships

UCC Scholarship Application Form 

All persons seeking scholarship assistance are required to complete the General University College of the Caribbean Scholarships Application Form. The form has a check-list of requirements detailed below and failure to provide all the required information will jeopardize a scholarship application opportunity. 

UCC Scholarships Check-list

According to the UCC, all of the following must be part of the application submitted. Failure to provide all the requirements will result in an application being considered “incomplete.” Scholarship awards are not automatic, nor do they generally cover the entire cost of a degree programme. Students are therefore encouraged to actively seek alternative and/or concurrent sources of funding for their tuition and associated fees.

  • A recent passport size photograph.
  • UCC acceptance letter from the Registrar or proof of current enrollment.
  • Copy of pay slip, Tax verification or letter explaining the lack of such evidence.
  • Current GPA report from University or High School (whichever is applicable).
  • At least two (2) reference letters regarding the applicant’s character from a notable person in your community (teacher, pastor, employer, etc)
  • If the applicant is a current student or continuing student, the Counsellor and Programme Coordinator Report in the application must be completed and signed.
  • Copies of awards or certificates
  • Copy of CXC results
  • Completed personal essay, outlining the need for the scholarship.
  • Evidence of community service (awards, letters acknowledging participation).

The UCC Scholarships Application Process

  • Completed applications are reviewed and the most eligible persons are then scheduled for an interview by a UCC Scholarships Award Committee
  • UCC Scholarships are awarded based on the completed application as evidence of eligibility and the interview
  • Scholarship awardees will be called shortly after the interview to be advised of their award

 Once completed, the application should be sent to:

UCC Foundation
34 Old Hope Road
Kingston 5
Tel:  665-3000

Read more on the University College of the Caribbean Scholarships

UCC Scholarships
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