West Kingston Power Partners Scholarship Winners
The 2017 West Kingston Power Partners (WKPP) Scholarship Opportunity
The West Kingston Power Partners (WKPP) recognizes the need for academic advancement in order to foster economic development in Jamaica. The Company remains committed to assist in laying the building blocks for academic success in the Western Kingston Division, in which it operates. Two (2) recipients will benefit from a scholarship of J$250,000.00 each per school year, payable per semester, covering tuition, books and material.
Children in the Western Kingston Division- Must have lived in the Division for a minimum of five years and currently reside in the Division.
Eligibility for the West Kingston Power Partners
All children who live in the Western Kingston Division on the above- mentioned definition; Scholarship to be awarded for study at a recognized/accredited tertiary institution must be approved and regulated by the relevant governing bodies; An individual must be twenty-one years (21) or younger upon entry to the institution in order to benefit from this programme; and finally, the scholarship is provided for academic excellence and or financial need.
Expense Covered
Scholarships will cover the following expenses:
- Tuition; and
- Related expenses such as books, supplies and equipment required for courses;
- The scholarship does not cover expenses such as room and board fees;
This award is eligible to both fulltime and part time students pursuing degree and diploma programmes. However, for part-time students to be eligible the individual must demonstrate exceptional circumstances that have prevented him/her from full-time enrollment.
Duration and Value of the Scholarship
The duration and the value of the West Kingston Power Partners scholarship are dependent on the discretion of the management and board of directors of Jamaica Energy Partners. However, as a guide, the scholarship will be for a minimum of one year, provided that the student is able to maintain an average grade point average (GPA) of B+.
Any recipient who falls below the required GPA for any semester will have a semester to improve the grades, should the scholarship be for a period greater than one (1) year. Failure to meet the required grade will result in the scholarship being discontinued. The individual may reapply should the grades be improved to the required level.
The scholarship may be extended for a period not greater than the prescribed length of study as described and prescribed by the tertiary institution. The value of the scholarship will be dependent on the tertiary institution and the availability of funds by the company.
The company maintains the right to discontinue funding and the programme at any time it deems fit. g. Scholarships will be terminated on the following basis:
- Suspension from school for misconduct or inappropriate behavior
- Failure to meet academic progress
- If the student was dishonest on the application for the scholarship.
Application Process
- Interested individuals must complete the attached application form and applications must be submitted by June 25 at 4:00 p.m., of each year. The following must accompany the attached application:
- Letters of recommendation – must include one from school principal and one from a community member (JP or a Minister of Religion).
- Student
The essay must clearly state 3 things the candidate hopes to accomplish by pursuing higher learning. How the area of study will benefit and help to support the community. How the area of study is relevant to the energy sector in Jamaica. Finally, the essay must be between 500 and 550 words, typed, and double-spaced. The official transcript (CAPE/GCE results).
Applications must be addressed to the Community and Public Relations Officer, WIKIP Place, Marcus Garvey Drive, Kingston 14, St. Andrew, Jamaica.
Payment of Scholarship
- Payments to be made will be in the name of the institution to be attended.
- Payments will be made on a semester basis.
- Funds will be disbursed prior to the payment deadline of the institution.
- Awardees will be advised when the disbursements have been prepared by the accounts section.
- It is the responsibility of the recipient to inform the human resource manager of the deadline for payments.