Millions are available in scholarships and grants for Jamaican students to study from undergraduate to graduate studies in Jamaica and study abroad programs.
Apply for the annual BGLC Bursary for graduating high school seniors and first year students accepted and currently enrolled at accredited local tertiary institutions.
Applications are invited for the 2022 Carreras Teachers Scholarships Programme with awards valued at one hundred thousand dollars (J$100,000). This amazing scholarship opportunity closes Friday, July 15, 2022. Contact us for application assistance.
Apply for the VM Foundation full scholarship programmes. PEP Bursary, STEM Head Start first year students, VM Master Plan Masters final year and VMBS Future Plan Head Start First year Scholarships
The Government of Cuba invites applications from interested persons wishing to pursue Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies in Cuba under the Cuba Jamaica Medical Bilateral Scholarship Programme commencing September 2020 (9 scholarships available).
Guardian Group has announced a partnership with the University for Peace (UPEACE) established by the General Assembly of the United Nations, in offering 10 Global Leadership Diploma Scholarships across the region.
The JWN Foundation is accepting applications for their community scholarships for secondary and tertiary students by July 7, 2021. Open ONLY to students residing in communities of Olympic Way, Riverton Meadows, Majestic Gardens, Waterhouse, Seaview Gardens, Race Course, Gimme-Me-Bit, Water Lane, Vernamfield, York Town Milk River, Holland, Siloah, Thornton, Balaclava and Maggotty.
Applications are invited for the 2022 Carreras SEEK Scholarship Fund with awards valued at over J$1Million. This amazing scholarship opportunity closes Friday, July 15, 2022. Contact us for application assistance.
Apply for the JPPC Scholarship for full-time and part-time students living in East Kingston and Port Royal an any accredited local college/university from the Jamaica Private Power Company (JPPC).
Apply for the Joan Duncan Scholarship for the 2020/2021 academic year! The Joan Duncan Foundation to Award Over $J1M in New Scholarships for the 2020/2021 academic year.