Apply for the annual Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships from the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) for students enrolled at the University of West Indies, Mona Campus. The Scholarship deadline is is April 30 annually.
Apply for the annual Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships from the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) for students enrolled at the University of West Indies, Mona Campus. The Scholarship deadline is is April 30 annually.
Apply for the annual Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships from the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) for students enrolled at the University of West Indies, Mona Campus. The Scholarship deadline is is April 30 annually.

Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships At The UWI, Mona

Number of DBJ Scholarship Awards: One (1)

Value of DBJ Scholarship: J$250,000.00

Maximum Tenure: Two (2) years

Scholarship Deadline: April 30th

Eligibility for the DBJ Scholarship

The Development Bank of Jamaica scholarship award is available to students who are registered in Level II of the programme and are pursuing studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences majoring in Economics; OR pursuing studies in the Faculty of Science and Technology (Agriculture-based). The Development Bank of Jamaica scholarship award will be based on a high academic achievement (a GPA of at least 3.3). Additionally, the scholarship applicant must be active members of their community with verifiable financial need.

Method of Selection 

Short-listed candidates of the Development Bank of Jamaica scholarship will be interviewed by a panel comprising representatives from The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus and the scholarship donor personnel. The recipient is expected to live and work in Jamaica for a minimum period of three (3) years immediately after completing their studies.

Graduates of the College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE),who are qualified for direct entry to the The University of the West Indies, may also apply for the DBJ Scholarship award. Such applicants must submit, along with their application forms, a transcript from CASE addressed to the Manager, Office of Student Financing.

The following are general guidelines regarding the DBJ Scholarship Scholarships and Bursaries available for the each academic year at the University of the West Indies, all applications deadline is JUNE 30th each year.

In order to be considered for the Development Bank of Jamaica scholarship award, a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (B average) is expected by most Donors; some awards may require a higher GPA and a few may accept a minimum GPA of 2.7. The awards are available to full-time undergraduate students of the University of the West Indies (unless otherwise stipulated).

The applicant should only apply for scholarships/bursaries for which the prescribed criteria are met as indicated on each terms of award. The required status as indicated on each term of award is the academic year that the student will next be registering for. For example, if the criteria states “must be in level II”, the applicant is expected to be enrolled in level I at the time of applying.

Please list the awards for which you are eligible and wish to be considered. (N.B. Incomplete application forms may not be processed.) The completed application form should be submitted to the Office of Student Financing, UWI, Mona Campus along with any supporting documents required. 

Incorrect information provided on the application may be grounds for the application to be rejected. All scholarship applicants are advised to visit the awards webpage frequently, as updates will be done periodically.

Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships
Article Name
Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships
Apply for the annual Development Bank of Jamaica Scholarships from the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) for students enrolled at the University of West Indies, Mona Campus. The Scholarship deadline is is April 30 annually.


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