First Year Scholarships For students enrolling at the university of West Indies.
The following annual first year scholarships are available to full-time first-year students who are entering the university of the west indies for the first time in fall 2017. These scholarships do not apply to incoming transfer students.
Select merit-based first year scholarships awarded by the Office of Student Financing (OSF) do not stack. This is noted in the descriptions below. If a student meets the minimum requirements for multiple awards, they will automatically be awarded the scholarship with the highest dollar value. These scholarships do not apply to incoming transfer students.
Please see the Scholarship and Grant Policies for information on awarding of the following scholarships.
Determination of merit-based scholarship eligibility will only consider test scores administered through February 2017 of the senior year and 7th semester (or 2nd trimester) grade point average. Review the admission closing dates of your faculty at UWI and make note of the deadline for students to apply for admission in order to be considered for these scholarships.
The first year scholarships awards are available to full-time undergraduate students of the University of the West Indies (unless otherwise stipulated). The applicant should only apply for scholarships/bursaries for which the prescribed criteria are met as indicated on each terms of award.
The required status as indicated on each term of award is as at the academic year 2017/2018. For example, if the criteria states “must be in level II”, the applicant is expected to be enrolled in level II in the 2017/2018 academic year. Students must complete (LEGIBLY), one application form. Please list the awards for which you wish to be considered in order of preference.
Additionally, the completed application forms should be submitted to the Office of Student Financing, UWI, Mona Campus before the set due dates.
The Office of Student Financing invites all incoming students (first year) to apply for the following first year scholarships:
Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship
Enid Jones Forrester Memorial Student Grant
Jamaica Government Exhibition Scholarship
Oliver F. Clarke Mentes’ Scholarships
Mill Reef Education Grant – For Antiguan Students ONLY
H.J. Felton Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship for Engineering ( Science & Technology ONLY)
IGL Razai Azard Rahaman Scholarship for Medicine (Medical Science ONLY)
LIAJA Retired Members Grant for Students in Library Studies (Humanities & Education ONLY)
The Danielle Hanson Memorial Bursary (Medical Science ONLY)
The Spanish-Jamaica Foundation Bursary for Modern Languages (Humanities & Education ONLY)
You are advised to visit the awards webpage frequently, as updates will be done periodically.