This Week’s GSAT & Tertiary Open Scholarships for 2017/2018
BGR/ISA At-sea training programme
Among the open scholarships that are still open and are on offer are the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGR), in accordance with its exploration contract for polymetallic sulphides with the International Seabed Authority, is offering four at-sea training places for candidates from developing States from August 21 to October 13, 2017.
The training programme aims to provide on-board and laboratory work and scientific techniques for exploration of polymetallic sulphides by developing investigative planning skills, on-board work experience and data analysis and interpretation skills.
For more information about open scholarships, please visit the ISA/BGR Training web page. Applications should be submitted by e-mail, in one of the official languages of the Authority to [email protected]
Application Deadline: June 26
Joyce Ford Newell Scholarships
Next Move Jamaica International, Inc., a not-for-profit New York State registered 501 (c) (3) foundation is pleased to announce their annual open scholarships programswith the Joyce Ford Newell Scholarships for high school students living and attending high school in St. Thomas, Jamaica. Four scholarships are on offer valued at $15,000 each.
Scholarship deadline: August 4
CCRIF Open Scholarships
CCRIF provides open scholarships opportunities for university graduates who are citizens of Caricom or CCRIF member countries who have specialized in the areas of disaster risk management, environmental management, actuarial science, geography, climate studies, and other similar areas to be assigned to national and regional organizations for practical work assignments
Victoria Mutual Head-Start Scholarship Programme
• The VM GSAT ‘Head-Start’ Bursary is awarded to the VMBS student saver with the best GSAT performance in each school as ranked by the Ministry of Education.
• The VM Junior Plan ‘Head-Start’ Scholarship is awarded to the top-performing GSAT student, one from each county (based on the past school’s location), to assist with their secondary-level education.
• The VM Future Plan ‘Head-Start’ Scholarship has a maximum four-year tenure and will be awarded to four VMBS student savers, towards local tertiary education; and
• The VM Master Plan ‘Head-Start’ Scholarship beneficiary should be pursuing final-year studies at a local university.
For more information on the eligibility requirements for each category, e-mail [email protected].
Application forms are available at or from VMBS branches island wide.
Application Deadline: July 14
The Edna Green Scholarships
Next Move Jamaica International, Inc. (NMJ International), a not-for-profit New York State registered 501 (c) (3) foundation is pleased to announce their annual open scholarships program with the Edna Green Scholarships for high school students in Jamaica.
Founded in 2012, Next Move Jamaica International, Inc. empowers Jamaican families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing scholarships, bursaries, school supplies, resume and interview preparations and support services to as many exceptional Jamaican students as possible. Four scholarships are on offer valued at $15,000 each.
Scholarship deadline: August 4
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC)
The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) awards cash grants, which are paid toward tuition costs for students just entering or those continuing to the next year of their studies at a tertiary institution in Jamaica.
Details and application requirements and forms are available for download at the BGLC’s website at
Application deadline: July 14.
GraceKennedy Foundation
The foundation will provide over $20 million to students studying at the tertiary level. The open scholarships period opened May 1 and will close in July. Qualifying criteria and application details are listed on
Application deadline: July 15.
Open to British men under the age of 21 of Caribbean descent.
Tenable at Brunel University, London, specifically Brunel Business School, the Department of Economics and Finance; the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences; or the College of Health and Life Sciences. Contact: Dr Dwain Neil, The Reach Society, at [email protected].
Application deadline: August 31.

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