Search Results: scholarships

JSIF Scholarships

The JSIF scholarships are now open to qualified applicants from the listed parish communities below. The JSIF Scholarships are being offered through the Poverty Reduction Program (PRP), which invites applications for their Annual Tertiary Scholarships Program.

University Scholarships

University Scholarships in Jamaica University scholarships in Jamaica are no different from general or secondary school scholarships and bursaries. All major local university offers scholarships and bursaries to needy students and those that have exceptional grades annually.  University scholarships are used as a financial incentive to attractive a diverse student population and also to win

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SFP Pocket Rocket Foundation Scholarships

SFP Pocket Rocket Foundation Scholarships The SFP Pocket Rocket Foundation Scholarships were born out of the desire of Jamaica’s Two-Time Olympic 100M Gold Champion, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, to create lasting change in the lives of student-athletes and children in children’s homes across Jamaica by providing academic scholarships, financial aid and other assistance. These opportunities by the SFP Pocket

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Rhodes Scholarships

About the Rhodes Scholarships The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford, and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals.  The Rhodes Trust provides the Rhodes Scholarships in partnership with Second Century Founder, John McCall MacBain and other generous benefactors.  A class of 89 Scholars is selected each year from: 

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Study in China Scholarships

Study in China Study in China is now possible for Jamaican students residing in Jamaica for the past five (5) years through the Ministry of Finance’s Scholarship and Assistance Unit – administered Chinese scholarship program. Scholarships Tenable in China Applications are invited from interested persons wishing to pursue studies leading to a Bachelor’s {4-7 years}, Master’s

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UCC Scholarships

UCC Scholarships UCC scholarships are offered through the PATH Programme managed by the Government of Jamaica, foundations, and private and public sector agencies in Jamaica and overseas. The UCC provides several scholarship opportunities for eligible students based on need, academic records and extra-curricular activities. UCC scholarships application  criteria includes school and community involvement, volunteer activities and leadership positions held

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Jamaica Scholarships

Jamaica Scholarships Jamaica scholarships are unique and easily located due mostly to the limited search criteria. Additionally, Jamaica scholarships are also some of the most demanded financial aid opportunities by students, which in return has become the fastest growing incentive offered by universities, companies, foundations and GOJ ministries. There are several Jamaica scholarships that are offered

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Scholarships in Jamaica Scholarships Jamaica is the premier opportunity to finance your education in Jamaica and the Caribbean. Scholarships are available here! Scholarship Jamaica present all major scholarships in Jamaica in one convenient location – We are the ultimate source of all things scholarships, grants and financial aid in Jamaica and the Caribbean region. Review

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