Search Results: scholarships

Biden Taps Rohit Chopra, a Former Student Loan Watchdog to Lead CFPB

Biden taps Rohit Chopra, a member of the Federal Trade Commission and a former student loan watchdog to lead the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as director. Now, he’s preparing to take on a bigger role—the federal government’s watchdog for credit card holders and other financial consumers.

Jamaican Professors Establish US$100,000 Scholarship Fund

Jamaican Professor donates scholarships as UWI’s 2020 Global Giving Campaign continues to receive generous contributions from alumni & partners

Shelice Anderson – Determined to Win Through The Struggles of University and COVID-19

Shelice Anderson, a former Herbert Morrison Technical High School top CSEC and now UTECH/Montego Bay Community College student is determined to win through the struggles of university and COVID-19. She was recently awarded one of the JMMB’s Joan Duncan Foundation annual scholarship for final year students.

Aspiring Teacher Wins Inaugural USF PATH Tertiary ICT Scholarship

Shantel Williams, an aspiring ICT teacher, is the first recipient of the inaugural Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) Tertiary ICT Scholarship.

The Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) Announces their 2020/21 Scholarship Awardees

The Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) announced their inaugural 2020/21 Colin Fitz- Herbert Bullock & G. Arthur Brown Memorial Scholarship awardees.

JN Foundation Invites Applications For Oliver Clarke Graduate Scholarship

The JN Foundation, is inviting applications for the Honourable Oliver F. Clarke Scholarship to pursue graduate/postgraduate studies in the field of leadership and governance. Application opens between October 20th to November 9, 2020.

The Jonas siblings shine with their law degrees; awaiting National Bar Association call

Dwayne & Feleca Jonas are now waiting to be called to the Jamaican Bar Association, having completed 2yr tenure at Norman Manley Law School (NMLS)

UTech Students are in the Finals of the IBM Coding Competition

A four-member UTech team has made it through to the finals of the 2020 IBM Developer Call for Code Global Challenge, University Edition.

Javed Henry, an Autistic Student Excelled in 2020 CSEC Exams

Javed Henry, an autistic student received excellent results in the 2020 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations. “I feel very excited and glad about the passes.

Education Minister Lays Out Ground Rules For Distance Learning

Fayval Williams outlined how public schools will begin classes, with students remaining home & receiving learning experience in different ways

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