Search Results: scholarships

How student loan forgiveness is altering consumer behavior

Universities and colleges continue to gouge students with inflated pricing that perpetuates the current student loan forgiveness crisis and increases the liability for future consumers and taxpayers

The effect of students loan debt on the Caribbean shores

By R.D. Miller Numerous nations around the world sometimes introduce rules and regulations that can be linked to another nation – student loan debt! Some, may not fit all backgrounds of different cultures and traditions. Nonetheless, many developed countries share basic principles on commonly agreed-upon approaches to similar problems. For instance, the fight against drugs,

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The COVID-19 CARE Grant for persons with disabilities – applications are now open through the JCPD

The JCPD is encouraging persons registered with the organisation who have not yet benefited under the COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Programme to apply for financial support.

Ultimate 2020 Arthur Winzro Parks Engineering Scholarship

Apply for the 2020 Arthur Winzro Parks Engineering Scholarship. The award is available to all local students enrolled in engineering studies.

Overseas Examinations Commission To Administer NCTVET Exams

Managing Director of HEART/NSTA Trust, Dr Janet Dyer (right), along with Deputy Director of the Overseas Examinations Commission (OEC) with responsibility for the administration of examinations, Sharon Burnett (centre), sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) permitting the OEC to administer the National Council on Technical and Vocational Education and Training examinations for the period November 2019 to November 2022. Witnessing the signing (at left) is Acting Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Dr Kasan Troupe. The signing took place on Thursday at the OEC’s offices in Kingston (JIS photo).

Massive $1 billion Allocation for Students on PATH and Poor Relief Support

The GOJ will be allocating $1 billion in back-to-school assistance to over 200,000 children who are on the PATH programme & poor relief support.

Mico University Gets J$1.5 Million Donation To Help Students Impacted By COVID-19 from the Mico Old Students Association

The Mico Old Students Association has handed over J$1.5 million to the Mico University College COVID-19 Relief Fund to assist students impacted by the pandemic.

Gordon Swaby, The World-Class Innovator

Gordon Swaby is the CEO of EduFocal Limited, a medium-sized company employing more than 25 people, part and full time; a company he founded in 2012 to use technology to enrich the learning experience outside of the classroom.

Roc Nation School Teams With Brooklyn’s Long Island University to Open Music, Sports & Entertainment School

Jay-Z’s Roc Nation entertainment company is partnering with Brooklyn’s Long Island University to launch the Roc Nation School of Music, Sports & Entertainment.

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